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他这一句话引得大家笑起来。His remark set everybody laughing.

这些猫的哀叫引得我的狗毛发竖立。My dog's hair bristles in response.

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弗兰克的问题引得泽德凯亚·史密斯哈哈大笑。Frank asked and Zedekiah Smith laughed.

他真逗,他总是引得我笑。He's so funny. He always makes me laugh.

他的笑话引得全屋的人哄堂大笑。His jokes set the whole room in an uproar.

栽下梧桐树,引得凤凰来。Planted plane trees, attracted to Phoenix.

她的惊叫声引得邻居们都跑来了。Her screams brought the neighbours running.

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这些猫的哀叫引得我的狗毛发竖立。Cats yowl. My dog's hair bristles in response.

夜晚引得成双成对和单身的男女去听音乐会。Evenings bring couples and singles for concert.

她指向他的前方引得他向左。She pointed ahead and directed him to turn left.

上周,肯扬所做的声明差点儿引得天下大乱。Consider the kerfuffle about last week's Peter Kenyon statements.

天真的笑脸好似花儿,引得蝴蝶流连忘返!The smiling faces of naive like flowers attract butterflies away!

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他惟妙惟肖模仿他老板的动作引得大家一阵大笑。He spoofed the movement of his boss, which set everybody laughing.

那小家伙英语讲得很好,这引得举座皆惊。The little boy spoke English very well, which surprised all of us.

他惟妙惟肖模仿他老板的动作引得大家一阵大笑。He spoofed the movement of his boss , which set everybody laughing.

讲述这个故事是朋友饭局时我们的保留节目,每次都会引得饭桌上止不住的笑声。That was one of our most reliable stories to tell friends over dinner.

这点理解或许可以引得同情并达成对父母的谅解。That understanding can lead to compassion which can lead to forgiveness.

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这番侃大山,引得其他一些老伙计带着他们的故事,走到我们这桌。That brought some of the other old gimps over to the table with their stories.

丹布朗对于耶稣以及圣母玛利亚的全新看法,也曾引得众议纷纷。It triggered hot debates over Brown's radical vision of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

自己嫁妆来贴补,引得众人称羡。、。Oneself trousseau to subsidize, lead to obtain public advocate a person to adore.