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如此柔软。So soft.

如丝般柔软。As soft as silk.

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她身材很柔软。She's very limber.

柔软便是生命。Pliability is life.

丝摸起来很柔软。Silk feels bendable.

我们一起做柔软操。Let us do calisthenics.

柔软的娃娃。Be a satiny supple doll.

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柔软的滑过我的肌肤。Layin' soft upon my skin.

还是柔软若鸭绒?。Or soft as eiderdown fluff?

还是柔软似棉凫的绒毛?。Or soft as eiderdown fluff?

柔软,有酸味呢?Soft , and a crisp acidity?

要枕柔软的枕头,洗热水澡?Soft pillows and hot baths?

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这条棉制毛巾被很柔软。The cotton towel is softly.

版面柔软印压小。The small print layout soft.

我手抚摸他那柔软的毛,哦!I caressed his soft hair, oh!

它摸起来柔软又自然。It is soft and feels natural.

谁的心不曾柔软?Whose heart had not been soft?

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她的皮起肤摸起来光滑柔软。Her skin feels smooth and soft.

绵羊有一层卷曲柔软的厚毛。A sheep has a thick woolly coat.

我喜欢你的唇,温润柔软。I like your lips, warm and soft.