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“文化散文”是二十世纪九十年代“散文创作繁荣”的主潮现象。Cultural prose is the main stream of prose creation on the light tide in 1990's.

你们要把自己的生活坚实起来,你们要把文艺的主潮认定!You have a solid up and put their own lives, you should Mainstream Trend literature found!

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可以说,一部秦汉思想史就是易学思想的衍扩和伸展,就是以易学思想为主潮、主旋律的思想发展史。It can be asserted that the thought of Qin-Han Period is Yi-ology's intensification and extension.

在我国,素质教育已成为当代教育改革的主潮。In our country, quality-oriented education has become the main stream in contemporary educat1on reforms.

在新感觉派小说所表现的洋场都市中,病态的“洋场爱”成为情爱生活的主潮。In the works of New-Sense Group there is a phenomenon of displaying west-affected morbid metropolitan view of love.

同时,夏衍有关人性本质的揭示并非静态的,而是具有与时代主潮紧密相联的实践品格。Xia Yan's exploration of the human nature is not static but a with dynamic practical character of the main stream of his time.

从当今世界旅游业的发展趋势来看,追求旅游的文化底蕴也业已形成主潮。According to the new trend in world tourism industry, the cultural meaning of tourism product has become more and more important.

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在中国新诗以“欧化”为“现代化”的转型期,闻一多因追求“东方色彩”而与时代主潮产生疏离。Wen Yiduo in his pursuit of "Oriental Color" was kept isolated from the time when westernization of poem in our country had become a modern change.

1941年下半年至1942年春,延安在解放区工农兵文艺主潮之外,兴起了一股短暂的文艺新潮。From the later part of1941to the spring of1942, a new short-time literary trend appeared besides the major trend of the worker-peasant-soldier literature.

价值取向上由外王转为内圣,治世理念上随着理学成为思想文化的主潮而明显地倒向了道德心性救国论。Their value tropism turned from Outside Great to Inside Saint. Their idea of world management obviously fell to the conscience saving of the nation with Songish.

现实主义作为一种人类文学创作主潮之一,无论在过去还是在现在它都有蓬勃的生命力,而对它的理论却有太多的争议。Realism, as one of the main trends in literary creations, has its vigorous life force in both the past and the present though there still exist a lot of controversies.

学科交叉是当今时代科学发展的主潮,而学科前交叉教育又是学科交叉教育的前提条件和必经阶段。Multidisciplinary study is the trend of scientific development in the new era while pre-convergent education is a condition and indispensible stage of multidisciplinary study.

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在跨国文化交流与传播中,一定时期的文化主潮流向是由强势文化地区流向弱势文化地区。In multinational cultural intercommunion and spreading, the main current of the culture tends to flow from the strong culture region to weak culture region in a certain period.

因此,中国现代性启蒙的主潮是社会启蒙,而这种社会启蒙的内容与目标跟西方启蒙运动所提倡的理性精神也有很大差异。Therefore the main current of Chinese modernity is social enlightenment, which distinguishes itself greatly in both content and aims from the rational spirit in Western Enlightenment.

文明的高度发展和两次世界大战的创伤孕育了荒诞这一美学主潮,荒诞是丑的极端表现,是人类心灵对所有现实倾向的接纳。Bred by the high development of civilization and the hurt from two world wars, absurdness is human soul's admission to all real tendencies , as it's the extreme expression of ugliness.

它为这个以现代性为主潮的时代留存了一角诗意化、异质化的心灵苗圃和个人性、民间性、边缘性的精神文档。In the times with modernity as the mainstream, HAN's novels present the readers with a poetic, heterogeneous nursery of soul as well as a personal, folk and frontier spiritual habitat.

吕斯百的油画创作实践和美术教育活动与曾为中国艺术创作主潮的油画民族化思潮相呼应,他也是中国油画民族化的开路人和引领者。Lv's artistic creation and education once were in concert with the main trend of Chinese oil paintings, and he was the pioneer and leader of the nationization of Chinese oil paintings.

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在“9.18”、“1.28”后,中国民众的抗日情绪空前高涨,促使我国的电影事业在国难声中很快步入了一个左翼电影主潮期。After the 9-18 and 1-28 incidents, Chinese people were infuriated against Japanese. As a result, the Chinese movie industry soon stepped into the Leftist Stage in face of national crisis.

整体合题帮我们把握新世纪文学发展走向,它将是现实主义主潮与现代主义新潮的互动与结合。Overall integration helps us to understand the developmental directions of new century literature, and it will be the interaction and integration of the main trend and new trend of realism.

整体合题帮我们把握新世纪文学发展走向,它将是现实主义主潮与现代主义新潮的互动与结合。Overall integration helps us to understand the developmental directions of new century literature, and it will be the interaction and intergration of the main trend and new trend of realism.