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心灵是最好的指南针。Your heart is your best compass.

保时捷设计P'6520指南针手表Porsche Design P'6520 Compass Watch

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为什么我们在北极不需要指南针?Becouse at the North Pole only South.

是的,有一个指南针很重要。Yes, it’s important to have a compass.

指南针首先是风水先生发明和使用的。First compass was invented and marriages.

在北极点,为什么不需要指南针?Why don't we need a compass at the North Pole?

指南针的指针方向会改变吗?Does the direction of the compass needle change?

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指南针方向会发生什么变化?为什么?How will the directions of the needle change?Why?

在北极为什么不需要指南针?Because the compass donn't face to south at there.

这样啊,你可以用保时捷911为你导航,或者你可以“啪”地一下打开P'6520指南针手表盖。Yeah, you could check the GPS in your Porsche 911.

这些指南针对年龄18-65岁的健康成年人。These guidelines are for healthy adults aged 18-65.

普通的手表可以用作指南针。An everyday watch can pull double-duty as a compass.

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指南针的指针会指回最初的方向吗?Does the compass needle return the original position?

它是陶菲克第一次赢得指南针的奖项。It was the first time Taufik had won a Compass award.

指南针上的指针正直接对着北方。The needle on the compass is pointing directly north.

生活无目标,犹如航海无指南针。Liveing without an aim is like sailing without compass.

指南针的指针方向会发生什么变化?为什么?What happens to the direction of the compass needle?Why?

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指南针、印刷术、火药、以及造纸术。They are compass, printing, gun power , and paper-making.

探究指南针和磁棒之间的相互作用。Explore the interactions between a compass and bar magnet.

只要有个指南针和张好地图,导航是很容易的。It's easy to navigate if you have a compass and a good map.