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这可说不过去——我们有新扫帚。There was no excuse----we have new brooms.

不管说不过去,管又要生烦恼。Whether justified, the management but also health troubles.

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但今天连投资都可以了,不能用它来解救存户的燃眉之急显得说不过去。Today, we are even able to use our CPF savings for investments.

今天智能手机如此之多,简直无处不在,我们的宠物没有配备一个实在是说不过去。Smart phones are so ubiquitous these days, it's a wonder our pets don't own one.

尽管如此,付不起天然气进口费用经济上依然说不过去。Nevertheless, there's little economic reason why it should be unable to pay for gas imports.

就我个人而言,这两幕的衔接很说不过去。This continuity of the two scenes next to each other really does not make a lot sense to me.

德国出口商的支配地位变成质疑德国经济的缘由,似乎有些说不过去。It may seem unfair, but the reason to question Germany’s economy is the dominance of its exporters.

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感到自己面对这一切尚且年轻,虽然有点说不过去,但是我的确对生孩子的责任给吓到了。Feeling unjustifiably young for my age, I felt rather awed by the responsibility of having children.

维也纳的一切与音乐有关,所以在这里不听斯特劳斯和莫扎特是说不过去的。Vienna is all about music, so it would be an arrestable offence not to hear Strauss and Mozart here.

“我们扫视了一下四周,发现现场并没有别人,”喀麦隆回忆说,“我们马上意识到不亲自下海救人就说不过去了。”"We looked around, and there was no one else there, " recalls Cameron. "We realized we had to go in."

欧冠比赛打到现在这个阶段被淘汰的确有些说不过去,我们有主场优势但却没有得到一个有利的判罚。It is not good enough at this stage of the competition. We were at home and we didn't get one decision.

土耳其与新疆文化传承,宗教相通,民族共源,领导人若缄口不言,终究说不过去。Turkey's cultural, religious and ethnic links with Xinjiang make it difficult for leaders there to keep quiet.

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我出生时我是最后一名,处在起跑线的我要成为世界最长寿者无疑是最说不过去的。When I was born I was last. I was literally the worst person in the world at being the Oldest Man In The World.

辣椒成熟以后就会从植株上掉落下来,利用辣椒素去阻止哺乳动物吞下这些果实在进化上说不过去。There’s no evolutionary percentage in preventing animals from eating the peppers, which fall off the plant when ripe.

不管怎么说,他拿了孔庆瓶不少的好处,现在又将他卖出来,总是说不过去的。No matter how it is say, he took bore to celebrate a flask of many advantages and sold again now he, always say not past.

我们明知道用盗版就是不对。但是明知不对还死不认错,这未免有些说不过去。We all clearly know that it is not right to use pirates, but we even do not want to admit the mistake which is not reasonable.

不尝尝这里的海鲜是说不过去的,我们在圣安德鲁斯品位高尚的罗思萌旅馆里吃的海鲜,味道鲜美无比。It would have been churlish not to do so, and we dined in high style at the Rossmount Inn in St Andrews. Seafood was never so sublime.

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但凡事要有度,刚刚被撤职的安徽检察院副检察长,竟然拿着伪造的邀请函,就实在说不过去了。However, we have, just be removed from Anhui, deputy procurator-general, even holding a forged letter of invitation, it would be justified.

但是如果说学一门外语或者一门技术却因为缺钱放弃了,那在我的眼里,是怎么也说不过去的。But if you just want to learn a language or an employable skill and give it up because of money shortage, then it is unacceptable in my eyes.

综上四点,我个人认为私立学校的教学不好就说不过去了。但看这几年我所见的他们在英语学科上的建设。Of the four points in such nice schools , the better education of course must be good. and the followings are their English teaching efforts.