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谁给我的照顾呢?Whw gives me care?

好好照顾我的女儿。Take care of my girl.

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不要叫我照顾。Do not call me the carer.

爸爸们一直留心照顾。Daddies always watch over.

我得到了特殊照顾。I have special permission.

我的母亲则忙于照顾我。My mother was busy with me.

您可以给曾被疏忽照顾的Tago?。Would you give Tago a home?

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他姐姐拉奈斯一直照顾我。His sister Lanice nursed me.

她细心照顾他的丈夫。She fusses over her husband.

你必须照顾自己。You must look after youself.

他妥善照顾这只牝牛。He took good care of the cow.

中国将怎样照顾这些老年人?How will China care for them?

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请您照顾好你的小孩。Please take care of your kid.

怎样照顾你的电子狗?How to look after your e-dog ?

请你照顾好这个笨蛋。Please take care of this babo.

我们能够照顾好老年人。We can look after our seniors.

我死之后谁能照顾他?After me, who can care for him?

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你以前也照顾过我女儿。You babysat my daughter before.

茉莉照顾让佳。Jasmine took good care of Rajah.

一只雌鹿正在角落里照顾小鹿。My doe, my deer, my female deer.