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别傻了,她自言自语。Don’t be silly, she told herself.

不要总是在课堂上自言自语。Don't always say to yourself in class.

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没事儿,别担心,我刚在自言自语呢。Don't worry, I was speaking to myself.

嘴中自言自语太子心肠狠毒。Mouth soliloquize prince cruel-hearted.

上帝,别让我这么自言自语了。God, dont let me talk this way to myself.

自言自语是否是疯癫的一种表现?Is talking to yourself a sign of madness?

那个女孩还好吗?她在自言自语喔。Is that girl ok?She's talking to herself.

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她最后的自言自语是"我想去死"。She ended her soliloquy, “I want to die.”

他阶段性的吸烟,还经常自言自语有时还能被听见,他有时还抽搐。Sometimes audibly. She may have a twitch.

另外,她的自言自语也很有效。Besides, her self-chatter can be efficient.

我自言自语,“接受警告,滚吧!I said to myself. `Take warning and begone!

于是他在橡树下痛苦地自言自语。So he in under the oak painfully to himself.

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“然而是个可爱的哑剧演员,”他自言自语着。But a lovely mummer , he murmured to himself.

她自言自语地说这种想法很荒唐。She said to herself that the idea was absurd.

“我想我能够游到那儿,”我自言自语。"I think I can swim to it, " I said to myself.

卡扎菲一定会自言自语道,这又有什么关系。What does that matter, Gaddafi says to himself.

“它的名字叫威尔伯”,她小声地自言自语。“Its name is Wilbur,” she whispered to herself.

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她的妻子看着门喃喃的自言自语。His wife stared at the door and moaned slightly.

她自言自语地往下说,“我以为他是愿意的。She went on to herself. `I thought he wished it.

那个怪人用一种奇怪的语言自言自语。That wacko talks to himself in a weird language.