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她娘家姓李。Her maiden name is Li.

丹丝兰生气的分开了娘家。DanSi aram angry separated the home.

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她从夫家逃出,回了娘家。She had escaped her husband and come home.

荷兰。他们是我母亲娘家那边的亲戚。In the Netherlands. They're on my mother's side.

波斯特博士是心脏病专家,他老婆娘家非常非常有钱。Dr. Post was a c, and his wife was from big money.

她只能在私人场合使用自己娘家的姓氏。She can use her maiden name only for private purposes.

教育是人才的娘家,社会是人才的婆家。Education nis the talent 's family, society is her talent.

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我们仍持怀疑态度,对于母亲娘家来说,那陪嫁物又有些寒酸。We still doubt it in that it's a little inferior as a dowry.

本拉登的前保镖则声称,他曾帮忙给新娘家寄过彩礼。Bin Laden's then-bodyguard claimed to have delivered the dowry.

有一天,玉兰娘家捎信来,让她回娘家看看。One day, YuLan her message, let her return home to have a look.

妻子法律上仍属于她娘家。The wife though is legally a part of her own household over here.

结果是,许多人在自己的娘家姓那一栏填上了“asdfasdf”。They´re getting a lot of people whose moms were named ´asdfasdf´.

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年三十,大哥一家静静地锁着门,人或许去了嫂子娘家。Year thirty, big brother a quietly locked doors, one may go home.

教育是人才的娘家,社会是人才的婆家。The education is the talent 's family, society is the talent's in-laws.

谁知兰芝回到娘家后,趋炎附势的哥哥逼她改嫁太守的儿子。When she returned home, she was forced by her brother to marry major's son.

夫妻成婚时,新娘家凡是支付宴会费用。When a couple gets married, the bride's family usually pays for the reception.

野田组鬼子则窜到镇外魏大娘家休整,等待鹤子的消息。Noda Chokiko went to the town of Wei home to rest, waiting for news of the crane.

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新女婿上门后,娘家房族亲戚轮番摆宴请酒。Son-in-law of the new home, her relatives and family room turns wine before dinner.

焦仲卿迫于母命,无奈只得劝说兰芝暂避娘家,待日后再设法接她回家。Jiao Zhongqing was forced to persuade Liu Lanzhi to take shelter in her mother's home.

这些姓之间也可不用连字符,而是把娘家姓当作中间名。They also may use both names without the hyphen, using their family name as a middle name.