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而司马樨对前尘往事俱已忘却。But Sima Xi had forgot all the past.

还能唤回你前尘历历。Thus much of thee can still restore.

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我的思绪依然牵挂着前尘旧梦。My thoughts still cling to the moldering Past.

飘渺前尘,注定只成为我一个人的朱砂墨迹。The fugacious past destined to be my single vermilion mark.

翎我眼中有浅浅的海,前尘旧事拍岸,侵蚀出一湾想念。My eyes have shallow sea land old clap vita etched a bay miss.

洱水畔边,血葬秋花,赎不尽前尘的罪。Er water side edge, the blood was buried in the autumn flowers, not hae atonement.

我弹指一笑,藏尽前尘所有的缘,只为一次无望的落泪。I fillip smile, every possession, Cheng pulls all the edge, only a hopeless tears.

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我在这篇文里对于母亲的零星追忆,只是这十一年里的前尘影事。In this article the mothers of sporadic memories, just the eleven years of the past.

我回首前尘往事,那个犯下重罪的小笨蛋。I look back on the way I was then a young stupid kid who committed that terrible crime.

回首前尘,我意识到在过去二十六年里,自己始终在窥视着那荒芜的小径。Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years.

期望与事实相违,回首前尘,可以发现我们正处于三十年的经济衰退中。In contrast with expectations, we find, on looking back, that we hae been on an economic decline for three decades.

期望与事实相违,回首前尘,可以发现我们正处于三十年的经济衰退中。In contrast with expectations, we find, on looking back, that we have been on an economic decline for three decades.

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你以为神帝知道此事,会只是碎了你的前尘镜吗?You muse namely the utter creature dictator knew this matter, the appointment was equitable floor your before incarnation mirror?

前尘往事成云烟,消散在彼此眼前,就连说过了再见,也看不见你有些哀怨。The past past events become the mist, dissipated in each other at present, has said that could also not see you to be somewhat plaintive.

邱黯雄的最新个展“前尘-新大陆架的沉降”深入探究了记忆产物这样一个主题,以探讨过去来剖析当代人顾虑的问题。Qiu Anxiong's latest exhibition 'Staring into Amnesia' explores themes of memory production, referencing the past to explore contemporary concerns.

于是寂寞是当以后拿着手机进睡时,明明只想它明朝能把你吵醒,却令你望着黑暗想起那些前尘往事。Loneliness has then been something makes you sink into the memories through the darkness every night you put the phone at bedside, even you just want it to wake you up.

前尘过往,人事沧桑,以为花开是一份誓言,等花儿凋谢的时候才肯相信那不过是一场约定。Cheng pulls in the past, personnel vicissitudes of life, that bloom is a vow, and so when the flowers withered before they agree to believe it is nothing but a convention.

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他将银行卡交给黄婉萍,只要求前尘往事一笔勾销,让她放下心结重新开始生活,黄婉萍说希望他以后继续做好丈夫好父亲。He will be a bank card to Huang Wanping, only on the clean slate, so she let go and start a new life, Huang said Wan Ping hope that he will continue to do a good husband, good father.

唯我和小妹当下吃那碗面时,我们的内心深处是在咀嚼已然消散的前尘往事、青涩时光。When I and my sister recollected the pleasant flavor of a bowl of noodles respectively, our minds were pondering the past and the sentimental time that is already dispersed at the moment.

而当你克服万难,走过相当路段之后,回首前尘,你才知道,自己的每一分辛苦,都必筑成一步道路。But when you overcome all difficulties, after passes through the suitable road section, looks back on the past, you only then knew, own each minute labor, all must build one step the path.