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我不再要放浪形骸的游乐了。I wanted no more riotous excursions.

我女儿很喜欢这些游乐设施,所以我也爱上了它们。which I love because my daughter loves them.

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地下室已改成游乐室。The basement has been made over into a playroom.

世界最大的户内加倍使滚筒游乐车成环!Worlds largest indoor double loop roller coaster!

7月5日至布鲁塞尔和温泉珀洛东游乐设施。The peloton rides July 5 between Brussels and Spa.

但是买一张全天的入场券就可以玩所有的游乐设施。But with an all-day pass, you can ride all the rides.

我们不能搭小朋友的游乐设施,因为我们太高了。We can't ride the kiddy rides because we're too tall.

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她在帕洛阿图市有很多朋友,喜欢一同游乐。She had many friends in Palo Alto and loved having fun.

购票前请阅读游乐项目的高度限制。Please Check Height Restrictions Before Purchasing Tickets.

在最近的街头游乐会上,有一个单人乐队让我很是着迷。At a recent street fair, I was mesmerized by the one-man band.

这家人在一处游乐胜地消磨了整个暑假。The family linger away the whole summer vacation at a pleasure resort.

您是想带孩子到动物园游乐一番,还是练习一下您的高尔夫球推球技术?Which is better, taking the kids to the zoo or practicing your putts ?

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如会,你有否使用过香港的宠物游乐设施?。If yes, have you used the facilities of dog-friendly parks in Hong Kong?

设施室内游泳池,健身房,儿童游乐公园和购物中心。Indoor swimming pool, gym, Children Amusement Park, and shopping centre.

如果你想动起来,那就试试沙滩游乐项目,如沙滩足球或沙滩排球。If you want to be sportier, try beach games, such as soccer and volleyball.

走到三楼时,一个大型的游乐城出现在眼前,里面灯火通明。Went to the third floor, a large entertainment city in the eyes, which lit.

在与艾培涅和蒙塔7月8日第五阶段的珀洛东游乐设施。The peloton rides during the fifth stage between Epernay and Montargis July 8.

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沐浴在午后的阳光下,芝加哥海军码头的游乐设施格外吸引人。The rides and attractions at Chicago’s Navy Pier glisten in the afternoon sun.

把欢乐、无拘无束和游乐放在你新生活的首要位置。Make cheerfulness, outrageousness, and playfulness new priorities for your life.

便携式的香水!放一瓶在汽车,尿片包或是游乐室。Portable aromatherapy! Keep a bottle handy in your car, diaper bag, or playroom.