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微分中值定理是微分学的基本定理。Differential medial value theorem is the basic theorem of the calculus.

积分上限函数是一元函数微分学的基本概念。Integral upper limit function is a basic concept in function differential calculus.

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本文从理论上讨论微分学第二重要极限公式的一个使用方法。In theory the paper discusses a usage of an important limit formula of differential calculus.

数学中的两个定理。分别与微分学和积分学相关。In mathematics, two theorems, one associated with differential calculus and one with integral calculus.

极限是微分学的灵魂,极限的计算是极限理论的重要内容。Limit is the soul of differential calculus, limits' calculation is an important content of the limit theory.

由于在微分学中引进了代数概念,使许多难于理解的概念和证明方法都变得简单。The introduction of the concepts in algebra makes simple many concepts and verifications which have been difficult.

课程内容包括函数、极限与连续、一元函数微分学、一元函数积分学等几大板块。This course consists of several major parts, such as Functions, Limits and Continuity, The Derivative and Integration.

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作为微分学基础的极限理论来说,早在古代以有比较清楚的论述。Differential calculus as the basis for the limit theory, as early as in ancient times with a relatively clear exposition.

利用微分学理论建立一数学模型,通过此模型实现了离合器片缠绕工艺中麯线形状的设计。In this paper, we propose a mathematic model and on the basis of this model we suggest a design for spiral wound clutch facing.

边际分析法是选择最优化决策的一种基本定量方法,与微分学中的导数密切相关。Marginal analysis, which is related to the derivative in the calculus, is a basic quantitative method of choosing the best policy.

本文利用微分学知识,研究了数量性状的基因频率与群体最大和最小均值的关系。Relationships between gene frequencies of a metric character and maximum, minimum population means are studied by differentiation.

本文用微分学方法给出了关于定常离散线性系统稳定性判据的一种初等证明。In this paper, a primary proof about a stability criterion of a constant discrete linear system is given by means of differential calculus.

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课程内容包括常微分方程、空间解析几何与向量代数、多元函数微分学、多元函数积分学和无穷级数等几大板块。This course consists of several major parts such as ordinary differential equation vectors and analytic geometry derivatives integration and series.

课程内容包括函数、极限与连续、一元函数微分学、一元函数积分学和常微分方程等几大板块。This course consists of several major parts, such as Functions, Limits and Continuity, The Derivative, Integration and Ordinary Differential Equation.

讨论了反例在数学理论中的特殊作用,并给出了几个在多元函数微分学教学中应用的特例。The special role of counterexamples in mathematics theory is discussed. Several special examples used in teaching differential of multi-function are given.

讨论了解常微分方程的积分因子法在极限理论、微分学、积分学中的一些应用。Some simple application of method of integrating factor that solve ordinary differential equation is discussed on the limit theory, differential and integral.

因为,如果这些收入或效用的增加可以化为无穷小,那我们既能使用符号表示,也能利用微分学强大的操作了。For if these increases of income or utility are reduced to beinginfinitesimal, one can use both the symbolism and the powerful manipulations ofthe differential calculus.

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因为,如果这些收入或效用的增加可以化为无穷小,那我们既能使用符号表示,也能利用微分学强大的操作了。For if these increases of income or utility are reduced to being infinitesimal, one can use both the symbolism and the powerful manipulations of the differential calculus.

高等数学课程的改革在高职院校各专业课程改革中处于重要地位,而微分学改革是高职院校高等数学改革的关键一环。The curriculum reform of higher mathematics plays an important role in curriculum reforms in vocational colleges, in which the reform of the teaching of differential calculus is a key part.