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捣鼓你的富邻居们买新的卡迪拉克。Encourage your wealthy neighbors to buy new Cadillacs.

你又在捣鼓那些营养栓剂啊?。Are you experimenting with nutritional suppositories again?

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啊,PC,你在捣鼓着些什么?-哦,不过是一些我正在尝试的东东罢了。Uh, whatcha got there, PC? -Oh, just something I'm trying out.

我决不会坐那个通过逆向工程捣鼓出来的垃圾飞机。I won't fly in that piece of reverse-engineered piece of rubbish.

到那时偶才想起来,2008年北京奥运会筹备正在捣鼓中。It was then I knew that the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were on schedule.

他在浴室捣鼓了几分钟后说了声“好了”就走了。He fiddled about for few minutes, said the drain was okay and disappeared.

我已经试着让自己不要太在意捣鼓出这个书名的原因。I have tried not to become too conscious of why exactly I came up with it.

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我卸下子弹,坐在那捣鼓着空枪匣,就像在玩俄罗斯轮盘赌。I unloaded the gun, then sat playing Russian roulette with the empty barrel.

想要和几个哥们一起捣鼓出一个杀手级的演示文稿?Working together with one or more people to put together a killer presentation?

这个时候,仍然是“70后”和“80后”在捣鼓公司的事情。This moment, remain " 70 hind " and " 80 hind " in the issue that beats bosomy company.

要是您自己拥有一个较短的域名,您甚至可以用它来捣鼓出一个网址缩短服务。If you have your own short domain, you can even set up your ownpersonalized URL shortener!

因此,如果美国银行那帮捣鼓数字的家伙算术算对了的话,这笔交易的确可能是绝妙之作。So it may yet prove a masterstroke, if BofA's number- crunchers have got their sums right.

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我本来想孩子们可以捏捏,卷卷,捣鼓着玩橡皮泥,捏出各种有趣的动物和形状。The kids are meant to roll and pound and make all sorts of interesting animals and shapes.

让孩子们在花园里拥有专供他们在地里挖蚯蚓、找虫子和捣鼓泥巴的区域。Let them have their own spot in the garden to dig for worms, catch bugs, or just dig in the dirt.

尽管纳税季节已过,但对在这个领域里专门捣鼓数字的天才的需求还将持续好多年。Tax season may be over, but the demand for number-crunching geniuses in this field should last for years.

这个位于英格兰多塞特郡沙滩上的怪异酒店是雕刻家们花了7天时间和1000吨沙子捣鼓出来的。It took seven days and 1, 000 tons of sand for sculptors to create this oddity on the beaches of Dorset, England.

几个小时的捣鼓之后,我再次启动,却发现本本里的所有资料,照片还有歌曲全部没有了。However, after several hours, I reset my PC only to find that all the materials, pictures, and music were all gone.

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McCarthy则继续在斯坦福想要捣鼓出一台真正会思考的机器,可他从没看到这个梦想实现。For his part, Mr McCarthy continued to tinker away at a truly thinking machine at Stanford. He never quite saw his dream realised.

小时候,我们是那样贪玩,爱与朋友在外面你追我赶,爱在家里捣鼓幼稚的玩意。When I was a child, we are so naughty, love and friends in the outside, try to overtake each other in love with childish thing at home.

他们这些瞎捣鼓的行为并没有任何实际效用。他们只是喜欢瞎忙,很想表现出在努力做好某件事的样子。These actions don't have any real effect. But they are fussy 3 and make a great show of effort at doing something to make it all better.