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于是在1981年受洗归入主名下。He was baptized in the year 1981.

马上帮我查一下布朗名下的档案袋。Fetch me those Brown files right now.

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我们将账转到您的新房间名下。We will transfer your bills to your new room.

这栋房子已经移转到他太太名下了。This house was transferred to his wife's name.

为什么把苏记到第一组的名下?Why is Sue down as belonging to the first group?

信用证已开给你方名下。The letter of credit has been opened in your favor.

勃洛得生名下连一千英亩地也不会有啦。Braderson wouldn't have a thousand acres to his name.

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对佩罗来说,名下公司被惠普和戴尔接连收编并非只是历史的巧合。It isn't just the coincidence of Mr. Perot's history.

比方说,在瑞士银行往我名下存进一大笔钱。Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank.

年仅24岁的加尔格名下已经有了两家公司。At just 24 years old, Garg has two ventures to her name.

“我们会把妇女的要求放在男人名下”,塔亚布表示。"We run women's requests under men's names, " says Tayyab.

很多慕道者受洗归入主名下,神的名因此得著荣耀。Many new members were baptized. The name of God was glorified.

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以他名下购买的各种保险单证明他是全保了的。Policies taken out in his name prove that he was fully insured.

世界各地在他名下的公司曾一度涉及100个不同的行业。At one point, he owned 100 different companies around the world.

在每个人名下,我都列出了敬佩他的原因。Underneath each name I listed the reasons why I admire this person.

数千亿美元转到了银行和保险公司名下。Hundreds of billons are being given to banks and insurance companies.

把别人的功劳归到自己名下是撒谎和偷盗的一种形式。Taking credit for other people's work is a form of lying and stealing.

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房子的产权是在白凤名下,世贤决议找白凤帮助。House property is the name, hen in baifeng resolution find baifeng help.

之后该渔场停止营业,现场成为加泰罗尼亚储蓄银行名下的资产。The business collapsed and site became property of Catalunya Caixa Bank.

并且,他提倡德国应当重新统一在西德名下。And he recommended that Germany be reunified on essentially Western terms.