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我是约书亚,有血有肉的人类。I am Jeshua, man of flesh and blood.

我,约书亚,是一个有血有肉的人。I, Jeshua, was a man of flesh and blood.

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是为天下第一的灵岩泥塑,个个有血有肉,活灵活现。The Lingyan clay sculptures there are vivid and lifelike.

该书中的人物写得有血有肉。The portrayal of the characters in the novel is lifelike.

我是一个具有实体,有血有肉,有骨有骼,有纤维组织的人。I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids.

我承认,我只是个平凡人,有血有肉的人!I admit that I just ordinary people , people of flesh and blood!

这对于有血有肉的人是太难堪啦——连我都受不了啦!It's unutterably too much for flesh and blood to bear--even mine.'

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他很想找到有血有肉的真正的“赤匪”,可是一个也碰不到。He looked for a real flesh-and-blood "Red bandit, " but could find none.

因为绵羊有血有肉,但是绵羊毛则没有。Because sheep get meat and blood, but the hair of sheep do not get those.

我是约书亚,有血有肉的人类,是你们每个人真正的朋友和兄长。I am Jeshua, man of flesh and blood, and truly a friend and brother to you all.

一旦你将你的人物性格特征描述的相当充分,变得有血有肉,那继续进行下一步。Once you've got your characters fleshed-out more fully, proceed tothe next step.

舞台上演绎出的故事,是那样的入情入理,环环相扣,有血有肉,真切感人。The story played on the stage was that reasonable, consistent, vivid and touching.

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金塑造的角色有血有肉,这就让读者和小说人物血肉相联,开始关心人物本身。That creates a strong connection to the reader who starts caring about the characters.

“利用影像让科学数据有血有肉起来一直是我们的兴趣所在,”赫特说。“We’re just very interested in using imagery to bring scientific data to life,” Hurt says.

而我身边的罔达修士则是美国版本的“老顽童”,但他是个有血有肉的真人。Brother Wanda is the flesh and bones, completely real and faithful version of Lao Wan Tong.

同时我也意识到,在生命中,我曾因为我只是个活生生的,有血有肉的人而感到压抑。I also noticed that in life I have felt held down by simply being a living, breathing being.

她只和洋娃娃玩耍,让洋娃娃跳舞,让洋娃娃唱歌,而她,有血有肉的小女孩,却做不到了。She plays with Dolly, making the toy dance and sing as she, the flesh-and-blood girl, cannot.

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这样做的目的是希望苏格拉底更加丰满,有血有肉,而不只是个大理石半身雕像。But by doing so, she helps us imagine Socrates as a body of flesh rather than a bust of marble.

然而在塑造这些人物时,高尔斯华绥却又将他们描写成各有不同性格的有血有肉的活生生的人物。But at the same time they are persons of different dispositions with his or her own characteristics.

我在乔治敦安排了三场演讲,用具体的提议来使我的“新契约”主题有血有肉。I scheduled three speeches at Georgetown to flesh out my New Covenant theme with specific proposals.