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冤仇和清高可以逆转无知和贪心?。Can hate and arrogance reverse ignorance and greed?

阿拉伯民气中充满著冤仇、愤怒、绝看跟悲哀。Hatred, anger, despair and agony will be flourishing in the heart of Arabs.

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你的忌恨、冤仇、挫败和嫉妒之心终将消失。Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear.

当然,这些小组之间没有什么冤仇,只是各自有不同的重点。Not necessarily out of any malice—just that the groups had different priorities.

你的嫉恨、冤仇、挫败和妒忌之心终将消失。Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear. ?

然而,他们在取舍的范围工作了多少年后,便开端冤仇自己的工作。However, after years of labor in their chosen field, they begin to hate their jobs.

这是一个神奇的词,仅仅通过它的发音就可以表达苦楚、愉悦、冤仇和爱好。It"s the one magical word just by its sound can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love."

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你的嫉恨、冤仇、挫败和嫉妒之心终将消失。Your envy and hate, the feud, setback and the heart that envy will disappear eventually.

你的嫉恨、冤仇、挫败和妒忌之心终将消失。Your grudges, resentmentsentment s, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear.

你的嫉恨、冤仇、挫败和嫉妒之心终将消失。Your resentment, rancor, jealousy and the defeat of the heart will eventually disappear.

既在十字架上灭了冤仇,便藉这十字架,使两下归为一体,与神和好了。And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby

我们是冤家,我们前世的冤仇要在此生化解,所以我们走到了一起。Our enemy is, we should be in a previous life of the Yuan Chou of Health to resolve this, so we walked together.

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因上次红孩儿想吃唐僧肉与悟空结下了冤仇,铁扇公主哪里肯借。Some time ago, Red Boy had tried to eat the Tang Priest and Monkey had subdued him. Hence Princess Iron Fan hated Monkey and refused to lend the fan to him.

该剧的主人翁是赵氏门下攻人程婴,他割舍了自己的亲生骨肉,拯救了孤儿的生命,最后哺育孤儿长大,向恶棍报了冤仇。The hero of this play is CH'eng Ying, the family physician of Chao, who sacrifices his own child to save the life of the orphan and finally instigates the orphan to take vengeance on the villain.