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四百余条街整饬。There are over four hundred orderly streets.

被迻译的外国诗歌,都具有整饬的形式和良好的音乐性。The poems selected for translation bear trim form and musical quality.

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京剧泰斗程长庚发起了一次“整饬装具”运动。The Peking Opera Master Cheng Changgeng launched a movement of redressing modernizing the drama costumes.

他说他试图通过说服家长对孩子严加要求来严肃校纪,整饬学风。He says he is trying to make his schools more rigorous by asking parents to demand more from their children.

整饬信用理应成为构建社会主义和谐社会的必然选择。Straightening credit is, therefore, the necessary choice to be made to construct the harmonious society of socialism.

文章对会计信息失真的表现形式及原因进行了分析,提出了整饬会计信息失真的相应对策。The paper analyses pattern and reason of incorrect accounting information, and it puts forward relevant countermeasure.

唐楷整饬化是一个自然的发展过程,个别书家在这一过程中起了重要作用。Individual calligrapher played a vital role in the natural process of development pertaining to the tendency at that time.

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唐楷整饬化是一个自然的发展过程,个别书家在这一过程中起了重要作用。The tidiness of the Tangkai was a natural developing process, and some individuals played an important role in this process.

雍正帝曾整饬老农保举制度,但由于缺乏基层行政的组织效能,这一制度还是难以维持久远。Though the emperor had tried to rectify the recommendation policy, it didn't exist long for the lack of effectiveness of basic administration.

正因为信用是市场经济的灵魂,所以在我国社会转型期必须对信任缺失的现状进行整饬。Just for trustworthiness is the soul of the marketable economy, we must administer the condition of the scarce of trust in Chinese social transformation.

专制主义制度从来是与恐怖方法联系在一起的。这种恐怖方式运用到整饬吏治上,就体现为通过各种手段提高治官之官御史震肃百僚的权威。Institution of absolutism is always related to horrible means, which is shown by enhancing the authority of imperial officials in disciplining others by various means.

尽管中国的战略计划并不向外界公布,其整饬军备的意图毫无疑问地就是要再次成为亚洲主宰一起的力量。While China's strategic plans are not made public, the nature of its military build-up suggests that China is intent on reasserting itself as the dominant power in Asia.

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开辟十三行商埠文化旅游区乃名城历史文化遗址整饬利用的最好模式。Developing the cultural tourist area of commerical ports at Shisanhang in Guangzhou is the best way to rebuild, modify and utilize the famous historical and cultural relics.

开辟十三行商埠文化旅游区乃名城历史文化遗址整饬利用的最好模式。Setting up the bussiness port cultural_tourist attraction in this zone is an ideal pattern of readjustment and utilization of the remains of civilization in this famous city.

同时也说明肃宗为首的中央已着手对地方藩镇的军队进行整饬,以防新的离心势力出现。In addition, it also showed that the central government headed by Emperor Suzong started to adjust the local governors' troops to prevent the rise of some new centrifugal forces.

现在贵为太后,也是多年病体恹恹,实在拿不出什么心力去统辖整饬六宫。Is priceless is immediately a queen mother, is also the body Yan of the several years disease Yan, really could not take what cerebral effort rule over to put to mandate six temples.

10月1日的阅兵、大规模整饬军备、中国炫耀的越来越精密的自制武器技术,这些都不能使那些为中国的崛起而头疼的国家消除疑虑。And those prey to it will have been reassured neither by the October 1st parade nor by the massive military build-up and the increasingly sophisticated home-grown weapons technology it flaunted.

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鉴于中国大规模整饬军备,军事不透明和经常性地对外挑衅,中国绝不应该被视作一个负责任的全球性大国。Given China's massive military build-up, its lack of military transparency, and its often provocative external behavior, Beijing simply cannot be counted on to act responsibly as a global power.

以其画风发展来看,早年笔墨较清新整饬,中年以后渐趋雄肆,晚年则炉火纯青,真率自然,不假修饰。Perspective of the development of its style, early ink cleaner straighten out, middle age, becoming male IV is reached a pinnacle in his later years, straightforward nature, not in the modification.

刘宋免官制度对于强化皇权、整饬吏治、提高行政效率有着积极作用。The punishment system of recalling officials of Liu-Song Power played a positive role in strengthening emperor's authority, consolidating official management and raises the administrative efficiency.