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它们曾经因自己体内的鲸油而惨遭屠戮,现在它们又是否会被我们的石油所害呢?Once killed for their own oil, will they now be killed by ours?

而这对行窃之人或施行屠戮的暴君同样是正确的。The same is true for people who steal or despots who slaughter.

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我冂昰遭到屠戮旳动物旳活坟墓,屠戮只为满足我冂旳胃口。We are the living graves of murdered beasts, slaughtered to satisfy our appetites.

他们一进入王座室,就被十几名骁勇的屠戮兵团团围住。Upon entering Shimrra's throne room, they were beset by over a dozen deadly Slayers.

但是在1638年之前,数千农民和他们的佣兵武士都被屠戮。But by 1638 thousands of the peasants and their samurai mercenaries had been slaughtered.

这些都是真实发生过的刑罚方式,火刑,屠戮,等等之类的These were real ways that people were executed-- stakes, massacres, and this sort of business.

在千万年前,他惊恐的亲眼目睹死亡之翼将蓝龙一族屠戮至尽。More than ten millennia ago, he watched in horror as Deathwing all but wiped out the blue flight.

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北韩公务人员的拙劣表现能够代表的不仅仅是浩劫更是一种屠戮。Poor performance by public servants in North Korea can mean not just being sacked but being executed.

今有盘老大玄天五绝漫天斧影屠戮虫族。Have dish eldest brother now Xuan sky five extremely cover with one ax shadow to slaughter an moth tribe.

您已经牺牲了将近一万美国人的生命——我们的年轻人中的精英,您让一个又一个的州、省变成了荒芜之地,您屠戮了无以计数的本该由您为之谋福谋利的人,您还设立了集中营。You have sacrificed nearly ten thousand American lives—the flower of our youth. You have devastated provinces.

两人都摧毁自己的国家和社会,都屠戮了大批国内外民众。Both destroyed their countries and societies, as well as vast numbers of people inside and outside their own states.

我们呼吁邻近的阿拉伯国家对这场屠戮做出回应,仅仅谴责是远远不够的。We call on the Arab states in the region to take a stance against this massacre and not to be satisfied with just condemnations.

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其他的时候,宙斯会屠戮露宿的人,摧毁他们的城墙,或在开阔的水域粉碎他们的船只At another time, Zeus destroys the wide camped army of people or wrecks their city with its walls, or their ships on the open water.

骑士们发现有人残暴屠戮,小莫追上一个人影,发现是自己的青梅竹马,放走了她,被梅林看见。Knights found some brutal massacres, small dont catch up with a figure, a finding is his childhood friends, let her, seen by merlin.

日本残忍地推行这两项计划,致使平民遭受屠戮,人们被施以酷刑并在厂矿和慰安所受人奴役。Both projects were pursued ruthlessly and entailed civilian massacres, torture and slavery in factories, mines and military brothels.

绝大多数曾遭到屠戮的动物种群已再次繁衍壮大——蓝鲸是一个显著的例外——而今那些破败的死亡营地则涌动着勃勃生机。Most of the victim species have come back strong—the blue whale being a notable exception—and today these rusting death camps are mobbed by life.

不需任何只字片语,过去预言的诅咒,霎时实现。她被诅咒化为一只残忍无情,即便是生身之儿,也能下手屠戮的牝兽。No words need be spoken to bring about the prophesy of the curse, she was transformed into a merciless beast, one which would destroy even her own son.

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如果要在北极鹿的安乐和减少石油依赖以使人们免于战争的屠戮之间做出选择的话,我永远都将舍鹿取人。And if the choice is between the welfare of reindeer and reducing oil dependence that gets people killed in wars, I choose man over reindeer every time.

一时间,在小楼周围不到二十米的狭小空间里,几百个狂人疯了似的互相屠戮起来。Momentary, don't get to the narrow and small space of 20 meters in the small building surroundings in, several hundreds of madmans went crazy massacre each other.

现在我提醒你,这对于那些喜欢跑到某个地方毫无理智地互相屠戮的玩家来说简直太棒了,而如果你是个角色扮演者,这就体现出许多问题。Now mind you, this is great for people who just want to run out there and butcher each other senseless, but if you're a role-player, this presents a host of problems.