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届时请投标人代表出席开标仪式。We sincerely invite the bidders to attend the bid opening.

有组织开标、评标、定标的能力。It has the ability to organize bid opening, bid assessment and selection.

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开标过程应当记录,并存档备查。Minutes shall be kept of the bid opening procedures and be filed for future reference.

开标应当在招标文件规定的时间、地点公开进行。Bid opening shall be done in public at the time and place specified in the bid documents.

其提供的设备在开标以后至少两年内应能很好的使用。Provided the equipment for at least two years after the bid opening should be a good use.

递实盘规则即在开标后的合理时间内实盘不可撤消原则。Firm bid rule Principle that a bid is irrevocable for a reasonable time after bid opening.

开标过程应当记录,并存档备查。Records on the bid opening shall be made and shall be placed on files for future reference.

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投标应自投标资料表中规定的开标日起,并在投标资料表中所述时期内保持有效。Bids shall remain valid for the period specified in the Bid Data Sheet from the date of bid opening.

开标将在所有参加投标的法定代表人或委托代理人参加下举行。The bid opening shall be held with all the legal representatives or consignors of the bidders present.

当然是公开招标.全体投标人将应邀参加监督开标.Of course,it`s a public opening bid.All the bidders will be invited to join us to supervise .the opening.

资格后审,是指在开标后对投标人进行的资格审查。Post-qualification examination refers to the qualification examination made on the tenderers after the tender is opened.

爱达荷州交通局每周对高速公路建设和维修项目公开开标。The Idaho Transportation "Department conducts a weekly public bid openings for highway construction and maintenance projects."

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开标后,喊最高价者赢,并付此最高价给卖者换甑奈铩高喊价者赢的拍卖要求买者在竞标时采用策略性的行为。The buyer making the highest bid wins the item and pays the seller that bid. High-bid auctions call for strategic behavior by buyers.

如果在规定的开标时间后,投标人在投标有效期内撤回投标,其投标保证金将被贵方没收。If the bidder revokes its bid during the period of validity of bidding after the stated bid opening, his bid bond shall be confiscated by your part.

本次招标采取资格后审的方式,在开标前不对报名单位进行资格审查。This tendering will adopt the "postpositive audit to qualification" mode, in which the Tenderer qualification will not be audited before the bid opening.

如果通过派专人递送的特快专递提交,请在开标日期至少4天前传真通知招标机构快件号码。If the Bids are submitted by a special courier, the special courier number must be informed in written fax to CITC at lease 4 days before the Bid Opening.

开标时应邀请所有投标人参加,并对投标文件的投标一览表、投标声明完整唱标。All tenderers shall be invited to participate in the bid opening, and the table of bid tenderers as well as the bid tendering announcements shall be called out.

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投标人所投的标书,经燕达金色年华健康养护中心招标委员会全体人员在场进行集体开标,方可生效。其他开标行为,均为无效。The bidding documents will be valid after all the staff present of the Tender Committee of Yanda Golden Age Nursing Center, and any other bid opening is invalid.

招标人在招标文件要求提交投标文件的截止时间前收到的所有投标文件,开标时都应当当众予以拆封、宣读。All bid documents received by the tenderer prior to the deadline for submission set in the tender documents shall be opened and announced in public when opening bids.

由出让方会同有关部门聘请专家组成评标委员会。评标委员会主持开标、评标和决标。The lessor, together with departments concerned, will invite experts to form a tender appraisal committee which will take charge of the opening, appraisal and awarding of tenders.