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日正当中,罪犯受刑处死。At midday, criminals were put to death.

受刑者通常在几天后就开始胡言乱语.Delirium would typically set in after a few days.

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他立刻解下身上的外套,覆盖在受刑人的尸体上。He took off his coat to cover the criminal's body.

在各各他受刑之后,上帝已没有任何东西需要向任何人证明。After Calvary, God has nothing left to prove to anyone.

受船刑而死给受刑人带来的是无尽的痛苦和羞辱.Death by scaphism was painful, humiliating, and protracted.

通常情况下,受刑人在被局部的穿刺后就会这么挂在空中。Often, the victim was hoisted into the air after partial impalement.

受刑人会部分被浸在液体中被煎炸而死。The victim was then partially immersed in the liquid and fried to death.

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每个受刑之人的腿上至少都会被敲进一打这种楔形物。The tormentors could hammer at least a dozen wedges up and down the legs.

至于那偏行弯曲道路的人,耶和华必使他和作恶的人一同出去受刑。But those who turn to crooked ways the Lord will banish with the evildoers.

受刑者首先被带刺的铁丝网捆绑限制住,并在嘴里塞满破布。The victim was first bound with barbed wire and his mouth stuffed with rags.

她陪同耶稣到加利利,目睹了他受刑和被埋葬的过程。She accompanied him in Galilee, and she witnessed his crucifixion and burial.

重力和受刑人自己的挣扎将导致他滑下棍子。Gravity and the victim’s own struggles would cause him to slide down the pole.

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1952年,他被判处严重猥亵罪——实际上,是因为同性恋受刑。In 1952, he was convicted of gross indecency – in effect, tried for being gay.

他利用过去当老师的经验来亲近这些年轻的受刑人。He drew on his experience as a teacher in order to get close to the young inmates.

本文研究受刑人权利的保护,共分为三部分。This paper studies the protection of the rights of criminals, is divided into three parts.

他一直在画,夜以继日,其他的房间里回荡着受刑者的惨叫。All the time he painted, day and night, the screams of the tortured echoed from other rooms.

犯人被拉到受刑台上,手被捆在下面,脚被摁住,接受鞭打。Stretched over a punishment rack, his hands tied down and feet held, the prisoner was beaten.

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酷刑拷打原本用来逼迫受刑者给出犯罪证据,或是认罪。Torture was formerly used to make people give evidence about crimes, or to make them confess.

接着,守卫将一根管子从受刑者鼻腔内插入,并开始往他肚子里灌水。Next, the guards would snake a tube down the victim’s nasal passage and bloat his belly with water.

然而,麻痹的作用应该是让目击者差距不出受刑者有任何痛苦的迹象。The effect of the paralytic, however, might mean that witnesses never see any outward signs of pain.