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有谁能与佩里克匹敌?Has anyone matched Perec?

他在音乐方面没有匹敌。He has no equal in music.

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宇宇宙中有与黑洞匹敌的物体吗?。Do Black Holes Have Rivals in Space?

他在技术上不久便与其它人匹敌。He soon rivaled the others in skill.

这方面无人能与他匹敌。No one could rival him in this respect.

但他们不能产生匹敌的政策。But they cannot generate competing policy.

论雄伟优美,多恩无法与弥尔顿匹敌。Donne cannot rival Milton in grandeur and beauty.

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LX提供了无可匹敌的活动范围。Back. The LX provides unparalleled range of motion.

无可匹敌的选择新的和二手设备。Unequaled selection of both new and used equipment.

后来在沃波尔,他成了无人可与之匹敌的手球运动员。Later, in Walpole he was a peerless handball player.

雷诺兄弟设计的波浪发电机“在细节上完美”并且无可匹敌。The Reynolds was “perfect in detail” and would not break.

在一个绝地的手中,一柄光剑几乎是无以匹敌的。In the hands of a Jedi, a lightsaber is almost unstoppable.

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今天,上海的魅力可与每一个伟大的世界城市匹敌。Currently, Shanghai is rivaling every great city of the world.

显然,从质量上来说,唯一能与其匹敌的是“龙徽”。Apparently, it is only rival in terms of quality is the Dragon Seal.

光线在与云霓的匹敌中觅到了她五颜六色的宝贝。Light finds her treasure of colours through the ishagonism of clouds.

智利佳美娜能否匹敌世界最佳红葡萄酒?Can Carmenere from Chile compete with The Best Red Wines of the World?

要说有谁能与之匹敌,那也只有瓦特尔了,上站他表现得很成熟。The only one to match him, is Sebastian, who has matured in the last race.

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水的清楚最好的与那匹敌-维护游泳池。The clarity of the water rivals that of the best-maintained swimming pools.

而如果你把所有的滞销品销售量加在一起就可以和畅销品市场匹敌。And if you add up all those 1s and 2s you get a market that rivals the hits.

不管怎样说,X100的高贵,经典的皮革设计是无可匹敌的。No matter how, X100's elegant, classic leathery design is totally unbeatable.