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新疆贝母属植物分类研究。A taxonomic study of Fritillaria from Xinjiang.

于贝母表皮细胞垂周壁多波状弯曲。The anticlinal wall of epidermic cell looks like waves.

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伊贝母生物碱成分的研究。Studies on the Alkaloid Constituents of Fritillaria pallidiflora Schrenk.

不同产地平贝母生境土壤质地差异达到了显著水平。The soil texture difference among nine-origins reaches significant level.

目的采用HPLC法测定平贝母中腺苷的含量。OBJECTIVE To establish an HPLC method for the determination of adenosine in F.

采用薄层扫描法测定贝乐欣胶囊中贝母甲素和贝母乙素的含量。The contents of peimine and peiminine in Beilexin capsule were determined with TLCS.

目的建立平贝母中贝母甲素含量的反相离子对HPLC测定方法。OBJECTIVE To establish an ion-pair HPLC method for the determination of peimine in F.

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两种贝母淀粉颗粒的形状是圆形的和椭圆形的。The starch granule in two species of Fritillaria L. was in cycloidal or elliptic-shape.

结论此方法可以用于中药材贝母的鉴别和分析。ConclusionThis method can be used for medicines Fritillaria identification and analysis.

据报导,目前我国贝母属植物有61种,50个变种,5变型。It is reported that there are 61 species, 50 varieties, and 5 metatypics from Fritillaria.

结果表明种子水分和贮藏温度对浙贝母种子存活力均有显著影响。The results show that moisture and temperature have significant effects on seed viability.

简明报导贝母植物碱化学结构的研究。A concise report on the study of the Chemical structures of Fritillaria alkaloids is given.

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此外还盛产天麻、贝母等名贵中草药。Besides, it teems with famous Chinese medicine like Gastrodiae, Rz and Fritillaria thunbergii.

传统的植物来自中国草药,包括了枇杷叶,贝母,橘梗。Traditional botanicals from Chinese herbalism include loquat leaf, fritillaria, and platycodon.

采用免疫酶标技术显示出伊贝母愈伤组织细胞内的微管网络。The microtubule network of fritillary callus cell was showed through immunoenzymological technique.

结果在TLC色谱中检出浙贝母、白芍、黄芪。Result Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Radix Astragali could be detected by TLC.

“有时网上交流高手本人是很害羞的,”贝母说,“他们的媒介是文字。”"Sometimes good online socializers are shy in person," Baym says. "Their medium is the written word."

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其中前体物质饲喂对平贝母愈伤组织中总生物碱含量的影响研究属创新性工作。It is the first reported that adding precursor substances induced the alkaloid production in the callus.

甲基化分析则表明这些序列在平贝母的基因组中均被高度甲基化。Methylation assay showed that these sequences are heavily methylated in the Fritillaria ussuriensis. Maxim genome.

该种方法可用于贝母的鉴别,并有助于贝母化学特征指纹图谱的建立。Identification of Fritillaria and establishment of the chemical characteristic fingerprinting can used the methods.