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复方麦冬丸有较好的祛痰作用。FFM have good eliminating phlegm effect.

吐鲁糖浆是祛痰药物的和药物。Syrup of Tolu is used as a vehicle for expectorant mixtures.

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结论干咳清糖浆在祛痰、镇咳方面具有明显的作用。Conclusions In expectorant cough-syrup, antitussive has a prominent role.

用小鼠气道酚红排泄法和蛙上腭纤毛运动法观察枇杷膏的祛痰作用。Excretion function of the airway in mice was determined by phenol red method.

小鼠呼吸道酚红排痰量法、大鼠毛细管排痰量法观察其祛痰作用。Observation on the phlegm expelling effect was completed by using phenol red.

对照组仅予止咳,祛痰治疗一周。The control group only gives relieves a cough, dispels phlegm treats for one week.

用气管段酚红法研究其祛痰作用。Tracheal phenol red test was conducted to investigate the effect of phlegm expelling.

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目的研究清肺消咳颗粒镇咳、祛痰、平喘的药理作用。Aim To study antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic effects of Qingfeixiaoke granule.

湿润的空气防止黏液干燥,并进一步促进祛痰过程。Humid moist air prevents the drying of mucus and it further assists the expectorant process.

在医药上具有祛痰平喘、止渴生津、开胃润肠的作用。In medicine with expectorant antiasthmatic, thirst Sheng Jin, the role of Runchang appetizer.

结论止咳露具有明显的止咳、祛痰作用。CONCLUSION Zhike syrup has the obvious effects on relieving cough and reducing sputum in mice.

加用祛痰化瘀汤治疗心绞痛疗效更好。Eliminating phlegm and resolving stasis soup was more effective than westen routine treatment.

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目的证实止咳露的止咳、祛痰作用。OBJECTIVE To testify the effects of Zhike syrup on relieving cough and reducing sputum in mice.

本品具有较好的祛痰、止咳作用,并有一定的平喘作用。This product has a good expectorant, cough and to have a certain degree of anti-asthmatic effect.

两组均予吸氧、抗感染、祛痰、解痉等对症治疗。The basic regimens for the two groups were oxygen, antibiotics, expectorants, and bronchodilators.

目的观察嗽宁口服液的镇咳、祛痰及平喘作用。Objective To study the antitussive, eliminating phlegm and antiasthmatic effects of Souning oral liquid.

孩子们冷科技粘液救济祛痰使更容易咳出来的粘液少刺激你的孩子。Kids Cold & Mucus Relief Expectorant makes it easier for your child to cough up mucus with less irritation.

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研究复方半夏水提取物的镇咳、祛痰、平喘作用。Compound pinellia water extract exerts significant effects of anti-asthma, antitussive, and eliminating phlegm.

目的通过相应的实验方法观察咳喘清颗粒的止咳、平喘、祛痰作用。ObjectiveTo evaluate the cough-settling, phlegm-dispelling and panting-calming actions of KechuanQing granules.

采用酚红法和纤毛运动法,测定参芦饮祛痰作用。By the methods of phenol red excretion and ciliary movement to determine the expectorantic effect of Shenlu Yin.