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我并不想那么做,我受宠若惊,谢谢你。I didn no dat. I'm flattered, ty.

受到你的邀请,我感到受宠若惊。I feel flattered by your invitation.

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“什么,没有啊,”丈夫受宠若惊地说。"Why, no, " said the husband, flattered.

大家对我都很好,我简直受宠若惊。Everyone treated me so well that I was humbled.

我不知道是否感到受宠若惊或厌恶。I didn't know whether to feel flattered or disgusted.

我们真是受宠若惊,不会有所不同。How spoiled we get here. Makes very little difference.

他说他为那些发生在拉斯维加斯的谈话感到受宠若惊。He said he was flattered to hear about the talk in Las Vegas.

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虽然我受宠若惊但你找不到更好的人选?I mean, it's flattering, I guess, but couldn't you have done a little better?

尼特先生信誓旦旦地告诉麦格,他是专门为她而来的。麦格听了真是受宠若惊。Meg was much flattered by Mr. Ned's assurances that he came especially to see her.

“是的,是的。”他亲昵的语气使我受宠若惊,给了我一种不敢想象的希望。"Yes, yes. " His pet tone made me feel extremely flattered, gave me a unimagined hope.

勃拉什维尔,受宠若惊,仰在椅上,沾沾自喜地闭上了眼睛。Blachevelle threw himself back in his chair, in an ecstasy , and closed both eyes proudly.

你可能有点受宠若惊,但还是快点适应这受人瞩目的感觉吧。You are likely to be fussed over, and you'll need to get used to a new level of popularity.

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真的吗,我真是受宠若惊呀。我朋友邀请我去一座小岛上,那儿有个很赞的地方。Really, I'm so flattered. I was invited to this amazing place on a tiny island by my friend.

利物浦主帅承认他对如此评价受宠若惊,他渴望回报帕兰德利的高赞。The Reds boss admits he is flattered by such comments and was eager to repay the compliment.

他每次在当地做陈述时总要正式感谢我们公司,这令我们很受宠若惊。Each time he delivered the presentation locally he acknowledged our firm which was astounding to us.

我受宠若惊,但我有我自己的风格,和他们一样,我也正在写下自己的历史。I am flattered, but I have my characteristics and it is right that like them I am writing my own story.

尽管我确实感觉到受宠若惊而且很感谢我的乐迷们,我觉得还是应该客观的看待这个奖。So, even though I'm deeply flattered and appreciative, let's say that it's taken with a bit of objectivity.

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我是那所大学的第一个美国学生,全世界这么多大学,我独独选择了他们,令他们受宠若惊。I was the first American and the people there were flattered that of all the schools in the world I had chosen them.

他很自信的告诉我,在一个他很少去的国家里很意外的被如此接受使得他受宠若惊。He told me confidentially that to be so well received in a foreign country which he seldom visits really overwhelms him!

我受宠若惊。这肯定与我们和皇家马德里的丰田杯比赛有关。I'm overwhelmed, and I'm sure that my game against Real Madrid in the Intercontinental Cup Final had a lot to do with it.