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夜晚的琉森水塔。Night tower in Lucerne.

这个水塔上下有50米。The water tower is fifty metres high.

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他们已经拆掉了那座旧水塔。They have taken down the old water tower.

每栋公寓屋子都有一个储水塔。Every apartment house has a water tank on its roof.

无压电磁阀适用水塔弱水流供水!Non-pressure solenoid valve for low flow water tower!

杰克返回到水塔与家人团聚。Jack returns to the water tower to pick up his family.

旧花莲站内的煤台、水鹤与水塔。Watering and coaling equipments at Hua-Lien Station, 1968.

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冷却水塔可加杀藻剂和除垢剂,防防止青苔和水垢。Algicide and cleaner can be added to the cooling water tower.

集冷却水塔、热交换器、冷却风扇于一体。Combine cooling tower , heat-exchanger and cooling fan in ONE.

杰克、泰瑞和金姆来到一条湖边,就在水塔的对面。Jack Teri and Kim come upon a lake across from the water tower.

杰克、泰瑞和金姆来到一条湖边,就在水塔的对面。Jack, Teri and Kim come upon a lake across from the water tower.

格林派出了增援去水塔接他们。Green sends in reinforcements to pick them up at the water tower.

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水侧节约使用冷空气冷却一个外部水塔。Water-side economize use cold air to cool an exterior water tower.

金姆失去了耐性,开始向里克所在的水塔行进。Kim grows impatient and starts to head toward Rick in the water tower.

顺着河流望过去,我能看到许多发电厂以及许多貌似水塔的建筑。From the river, I see many generations and many shapes of water towers.

杰克和里克到达了水塔,但泰瑞和金姆并不在这里。Jack and Rick arrive at the water tower but Teri and Kim are not there.

杰克和里克到达了水塔,但泰瑞和金姆并不在这里。Jack and Rick arrive at the water tower, but Teri and Kim are not there.

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本发明是建筑具有一定锥度的高大圆锥体的工作台,如、烟囱、水塔塔身等。The equipment is a platform which is used to build a high conical building.

一架水塔伸向一边,它身上破烂的石块装饰着天宫图的标记。A water tower rose to one side, its tattered stone adorned with a zodiac sign.

泰瑞和金姆母女向水塔方向行进,杰克和里克在她们后面不远处。Teri and Kim head for the water tower alone with Jack and Rick not far behind.