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他,我的表哥!He my cousin!

我知道,-,他是我的一个表哥。I know -Who was a cousin.

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我表哥的结婚礼物!Gift 4 My Cuzin, s Wedding!

舒,在美国你不必叫我表哥。You can just call me Jimmy.

这幅画是我表哥画的。The picture was drawn by my cousin.

我表哥比我大一岁。My cousin is one year older than me.

很快就来到了百良表哥的家。Soon came a hundred good cousin home.

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抬首一看,原来是二表哥。Taishou a look, turned out two cousin.

哦,对了,外面那辆车是你表哥的吗?Oh, ah, is that your cousin's car outside?

百良表哥迟迟没有从楼上下来。Hundred good cousin has not down from upstairs.

我表哥罗伦和我都练过剑。My cousin Roran and I, we've trained, with swords!

范妮走了出去,一是想避开姨妈,二是去找表哥。To avoid her aunt, and look for him, she went out.

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我的表哥痛骂各种调味茶。My cousin reviles any sort of tea with added flavors.

你表哥的那个小女儿真是逗人爱。That little daughter of your cousin’s is really a dear.

你表哥的那个女儿老是在报怨。That daughter of your cousin’s is constantly complaining.

介绍过后,表哥将小雅带回家里。After the introduction, cousin will bring lesser back home.

不过他是你表哥,这就大不一样了。But then he is your cousin, which makes all the difference.

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我表哥汤姆斯家里很有钱。My cousin Thomas was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

我跟她的表哥交谈过,她的表哥曾经也在部队。And I spoke to her cousins and her cousins were in the army.

是我第一次看到表哥托尼的崭新的“火鸟”车。And the first time I saw my cousin Tony's brand new Firebird.