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有些事情明知是违法乱纪却并不代表学生族们就不会去做!Just because it’s illegal doesn’t mean students are not doing it!

如果他们继续违法乱纪,将会受到法律的严惩。They were not to get away with it if they continued to violate the law.

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绝大多数抗议是地区性的,抗议当地违法乱纪的商业-官僚权力。They are mostly localised protests against unregulated local commercial-bureaucratic power.

更有人为了追求不切实际的“理想”,而违法乱纪,甚至走上不归途。The more someone in order to pursue the unrealistic "ideal", and not even go into the break, way.

对公司高层领导的违法乱纪行为有投诉的权利。The employee has the right to appeal for higher-level leaders who breach the laws and regulations.

如果某一大会成员有违法乱纪的嫌疑,其案件应提交立法法院。If a assembly member issuspected of wrongdoing the suspects case may be submitted to thelegislative court.

从性质上看,道德风险与明显的道德败坏行为、赤裸裸的违法乱纪行为是有区别的。In nature, the risk of moral hazard is different from obvious acts of moral turpitude and blatant acts of lawlessness.

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一旦公务员违法乱纪受到处罚,其积累的廉勤期权就会全部被没收并上缴国库。Once the civil servant breaks the law and violates the disciplines, his promissory right is confiscated and turned over to the state treasury.

所以相信关系的人,从来不把制度放在眼里,权力身边的“关系”之所以违法乱纪的机会多,便是这个道理。So I believe the relationship between people and never pay attention to the system of power around the "relationship" is much more discipline is the truth.

只有真正坚决地做到了这些,才能彻底解决搞特权和违法乱纪的问题。Only when these principles are implemented resolutely can such problems as the pursuit of privilege and the violation of law and discipline be eliminated for good.

第二十八条军官违法乱纪、构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。Article 28 Officers whose actions against the law and discipline constitute criminal offences shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

盖埃诺说,他的部门正在努力改进揭发维和人员违法乱纪行为和加强对维和人员进行教育的机制,但是他承认,需要做的事还很多。Guéhenno says his department is working vigilantly to improve mechanisms for reporting instances of misconduct and to educate peacekeepers, but concedes more needs to be done.

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还有警察,还有法院,还有军队,它们都是镇压一切违法乱纪事情的工具,难道你也要它们承认违法乱纪是合法的吗?There the police, as well as the courts, as well as the military, they are tools to suppress all irregularities things, do you have to admit that they break the law are legal?

发明这东西的目的本是为了驱赶那些公共场所里违法乱纪的年轻人,然而也不分青红皂白地赶走了品行端正的青年、吓着了蹒跚学步的儿童、吵醒了睡梦中的婴儿。It's designed to drive away unruly youth from public spaces, yet is so brutally indiscriminate that it also drives away good kids, terrifies toddlers, and wakes sleeping babes.

我国建筑业要想发展,首要一条,必须使建筑业有一个良好的外部环境,建筑市场的各种违法乱纪行为就必须解决。Our country bldg. wants to develop, principal, must make bldg. has a favorable external environment, those who build the market all sorts of breaking the law behavior must be solved.

互联网的存在使得中国政府官员们想胡作非为、挥霍无度或违法乱纪而不被曝光变得越来越困难,这一点的确令人激动。It is very exciting that the Internet is making it increasingly difficult for Chinese government officials to behave irresponsibly , abuse taxpayer funds, or commit crimes without being exposed.