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嘲笑主人磕巴的口齿?Mocked the host's stammer?

伶俐的口齿是一种锐利的武器。A good tongue is a good weapon.

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那个人口齿不十分清楚。The man is not very articulate.

那个人口齿不甚清楚。That man is not very articulate.

对教师来说,口齿清楚是必不可少的。Articulate speech is essential for a teacher.

她教孩子们唱歌说话要口齿清楚。She teaches children to sing and speak clearly.

M是位口齿伶俐,受过教育的人,也非常强壮。An articulate, educated man, M is still quitestrong.

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再要赌口齿,十个会说话的男人也说他不过。As for talking, ten eloquent men are no match for her.

虽是89岁高龄,他依然思维敏捷、口齿清楚。At the age of 89, he was still sharp-witted and articulate.

荡姆口齿伶俐,相信一定可以说服她的。I am sure Tom can persuade her. He has kissed the Blarney stone.

通常来讲,女孩子比男孩子口齿更伶俐。It is believed that girls are usually more articulate than boys.

口试时要口齿清晰让考官和搭档能够听清你的话。When you go into the interview, speak clearly so you can be heard.

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约翰口齿伶俐,我相信他一定可以说服他妈妈。I am sure John can persuade his mother. He has kissed the Blarney stone.

香滑的布丁,搭配天然的芒果味,清爽诱人,口齿留香。Creamy pudding, with natural mango flavor, fresh attractive, articulate fragrant.

你能不能一口气读完这条新闻,在那些难读的外国名字上也口齿流利不打结?Can you read the article without tripping over some of those difficult foreign names?

品德优秀,五官端正,口齿清晰,身体健康,无重大疾病史。Nice moral character, the five sense organs are on the place, clear speaking, and healthy.

她聪慧过人,富有原则,口齿伶俐,而且她还拥有一颗属于战士的心。She is intelligent, principled , extremely articulate, and she has the heart of a warrior.

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他口齿清晰,相貌俊朗,但同时也有些贵族习气,自命高雅。He is articulate and handsome, while also coming across as a patrician and a bit of a snob.

“你说什么?”卡德加问,他怀疑是这兽人口齿有问题还是自己耳朵有毛病。What?" asked Khadgar, wondering if it was the orc's voice or his own ears that were mangling the".

几乎没有一位口齿清楚,教养良好的巴基斯坦自由党人敢为塔西尔说句话。Almost none of Pakistan’s articulate and educated liberal voices have dared speak out in his defence.