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褪尽红尘万物,自混沌中走来。He walks from the chaos.

你,塔尼亚,就是我的混沌。You, Tania, are my chaos.

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它是很混沌的。It could be quite chaotic.

你相信这个混沌的状态?Do you believe in unlikelihood ?

让我们重归于元始的混沌!Let us return to original chaos!

其实,更好的选择就是混沌。In fact, a better alternative is chaos.

用生命和博爱使混沌变新颜。With life and love makes chaos ever new.

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混沌“deep这个词也许是个确切的名字。The word "deep" is a proper name, perhaps.

在这些混沌模糊、扑朔迷离的时刻背后,隐藏着一个难解之谜。In the fog of those moments lies a mystery.

我们站在混沌的威尔特郡平原上。As we stood on the wyrd plains of Wiltshire.

你的世界混沌一片由此塑造。And made thy world an undistinguishable heap.

分形结构,噪声混沌,和FMH。Fractal Statistics, Noisy Chaos, and the FMH.

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他们将从混沌手中夺回各个界域。They came to take the realms back from Chaos.

如何才能从混沌世界中理出头绪来呢?How can you sort out the order from the chaos?

他的心灵深处有个混沌一团,尚未成形的幻想。There was a crude unformed vision in his soul.

褪尽红尘万物,自混沌中走来。He walks from the chaos, the world fading away.

一切都变得混沌暗淡。I've the--Everything's growing greyer and dimmer.

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堆满乌云的天空现出一种混沌的紫铜色。The cloud-mussed sky turned a vague copper color.

混沌在我们这个宇审中是物质进行的始点。Chaos is the starting point of matters in Universe.

是你,将我从深深的混沌与迷惘中唤醒。You wake me up, from profound coma and aimlessness.