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但除了周而复始,就别无选择。But there is no choice but to go on.

这是我一天的开始,周而复始。It was my start to the day, every day.

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经济危机周而复始但最后总是会结束。There are repeated scares and usually it's all right.

只有周而复始的变动才会焕发出万千的气象。Only the cycle of changes could display spectacular scene.

它周而复始地执行这些循环,直到被关闭为止。It follows this loop over and over again until it is turned off.

不稳定细胞循细胞周期周而复始地进行有丝分裂。Labile cells follow the cell cycle from one mitosis to the next.

起点即是终点,终点亦是起点,周而复始,循环反复。The origin is the end, and the end is the origin. It is a circle.

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春夏秋冬周而复始,年复一年。因此。Cycle in spring and summer, autumn and winter, year after year. Therefore.

否定是主要原因——或许这是——周而复始的优胜劣汰的主要原因。Denial is a major reason—perhaps the major reason—for this constant failure.

日子一天天周而复始地过着,毫无祈求,只盼身体能日益强壮起来。The day go round and begin again to live, no prayer, hope the body can become stronger.

一个人走完了60年,也就是一个花甲的周期,周而复始60年走完了。A person walk the end of 60 years, is also a 60 cycle, go round and begin again 60 years gone.

我们为什么要早九晚五的工作,迷失在毫无止境的得失的周而复始之中呢?Why do we work our nine to five, being miserably lost in a neverending cycle of gain and loss?

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这周而复始的折磨留给我们的只有疲惫不堪,满满的安排,无法享受生活。This week-to-week grind leaves us feeling over-tired, over-scheduled and not able to enjoy life.

我们都知道,任何东西,哪怕是机器,周而复始地做同一件事情最终也会崩溃。We know that anything, even a machine, doing the same thing over-and-over will eventually burnout.

他以为历史是所谓“五德”的相继更替、周而复始的循环。He thinks the history is alleged " 5 heart " in succession the loop of replace, go round and round.

时尚在“领先、领潮”的周而复始中得到了另一种“统率”的满足。Fashion gets another satisfaction as a commander in the circles of "leading fashion, leading trend".

冬去春来,自会破土而出,由此,周而复始,它的生命之火,永不熄灭。Winter passed, from will speared out, thus, round and round, it's the fire of life, never extinguished.

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谁又肯拿眼前这般景致去换上个永远周而复始的单调局面,一个全由年历来控制的大地?Who would change this state of things for a steadily recurring round, an earth governed by the calendar?

我打算在年尾放自己一个长假,暂别这三年周而复始的忙碌生活。This year end, I intend to go on a long holiday and bid temporary farewell to my routine yet hectic life.

这样的话,类似的馊主意就会在另一个制片人的脑子里面诞生,然后这样的循环周而复始。When that happens, a similarly bad idea is born in the mind of another producer, and the cycle continues.