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研究了搅拌强度对软锰矿浆湿法脱硫反应的影响。Factors such as the concentration of pyrolusite slurry, the amount of T.

锰结核主要由硬锰矿、软锰矿、褐铁矿构成。The mineral components of nodules are mainly pyrolusite, psilomelane and limonite.

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研究了软锰矿的共存组分在烟气脱硫过程中的作用。The function of pyrolusite coexisting component in flue gas desulfurization was studied.

研究了搅拌强度对软锰矿浆湿法脱硫反应的影响。The effect of agitation rate on desulfuration reaction mechanism of pyrolusite pulp was investigated.

对方铅矿精矿和软锰矿两矿共同浸出动力学过程进行了研究。The kinetics of two-ores leaching process of galena concentrate and manganese dioxide was investigated.

主要载银矿物有硬锰矿、软锰矿、褐铁矿、方铅矿、黄铁矿和闪锌矿。The main silver-bearing minerals were psilomelane, pyrolusite, limonite, galena, pyrite and sphalerite.

本文介绍了高效实用的软锰矿浆脱硫的新技术和工艺流程以及硫酸锰副产品的回收。By curing process, and used pyrite, pyrolusite and sulfuric acid as material, manganous sulfate was product.

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对用二氧化硫浸出软锰矿制备的硫酸钙产品的净化、结晶过程进行了研究。Decontaminating and crystallizing of manganese sulfate prepared by leaching pyrolusite with SO_2 are studied.

该法对生产钛白粉的废酸和因杂质含量高难以开发利用的副产物硫酸亚铁的治理及低品位软锰矿的利用开辟了新路。This method paved a new way of disposing the by-products ferrous sulfate and utilization of low-ranged soft manganese ore.

利用中低品位的软锰矿制浆吸收氧化焙烧产生的烟气,可回收废渣中的硫。The flue gas generated in the process of oxidation roasting was absorbed by a lower pyrolusite pulp, and sulfur was recovered.

因此,软锰矿的还原工艺技术一直是国内外锰矿加工产业的一项重要研究课题。Therefore, the reduction technology of pyrolusite is an important research topic in the metallurgical industry of manganese internationally.

这为软锰矿烟气脱硫制硫酸锰的工业应用提供了理论依据。This research would be a theoretic foundation of the industry application in preparation of vitriol from pyrolusite flue gas desulfurization.

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结果表明,软锰矿的共存组分对于脱硫率及锰离子浓度在不同时间有不同程度的影响。The result showed that in different time pyrolusite coexisting component had different effect on desulfurization efficiency and manganese iron.

本文利用甘蔗废糖蜜这种可再生资源取代传统的无机物作还原剂,对在酸性溶液中还原浸出软锰矿的过程进行工艺和动力学的研究。The technology and kinetics of pyrolusite was studied in acid solution by using the cane molasses as reducing agent, which was the regeneration resource.

以软锰矿、硫化锌精矿及铁屑等为原料,研究了直接法制备锰锌软磁铁氧体的工艺条件,重点研究了浸出液复盐沉淀深度净化的工艺条件。A novel technology, which is on the preparation of Mn-Zn soft magnetic ferrite using Fe, Mn and Zn existing in waste battery as raw materials, was proposed.

用软锰矿的水悬浮液吸收工业废气中的SO_2气体并将其转化为工业硫酸锰产品的工业化应用的关键是吸收设备的选型。To absorb the SO2 with pyrolusite suspention and convert it into industrial MnSO4·H2O is an effective method against SO2 pollution from industrial waste gases.

研究了从软锰矿制备硫酸锰,在碱性溶液中,以过氧化氢为氧化剂,制备高比表面优质四氧化三锰的新工艺。The manganic manganous oxide is prepared from the purified manganese sulfate solution using hydrogen peroxide as oxidant under alkali medium of ammonia solution.

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采用氧化焙烧—软锰矿浆吸收、磁化焙烧—磁选、酸浸工艺处理砷华废渣。The arsenolite cinders were treated by the processes of oxidizing roasting-pyrolusite pulp absorption, magnetizing roasting-magnetic separation and acid leaching.

介绍用生产钛白粉的废酸和低品位软锰矿为原料生产应用广泛的硫酸锰的方法。This paper expounds how to produce widely used manganese sulphate with waste acid left by titanium powder production and low-ranged soft manganese ore as raw material.

在贵州宏福实业开发有限总公司对软锰矿吸收SO_2废气制取硫酸锰进行了扩大化试验研究。In Guizhou Hongfu Industry Parent Company launching out into Expand Experimentation Study on Producing Manganese Sulfate with Pyrolusite Absorbed Industry Waste-gas SO_2.