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花开花落花无常,曲终曲散曲双亡。Whispering flowers bloom impermanence, Qu finale Sanqu sometimes both.

隐逸思想是元散曲的重要主题之一。Reclusive idea was one of important themes in lyric verses of Yuan Dynasty.

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散曲是中国诗歌的第三种也是最后一种古典体式。Sanqu Poem is the third, also the ultimate, classic style of Chinese Poetry.

乔吉散曲中有积极入世的儒士思想,又有消极避世的隐士情怀。In Qiao Ji's Sanqu, he shows both positive and pessimistic attitudes to life.

将乔吉的创作理论和散曲作品结合起来考察,是研究这位作家创作的重要途径。It is an important approach to study Qiao by combining his theory with his Sanqu.

本文拟从文化、作家和文体几个层面切入,试图对张可久散曲风格成因作初步探析。The paper will try to make simple analysis to it from culture , writer and style.

这三大功能也促生了元散曲代言体的兴盛。The three functions promote the prosperity of first-person narrators in the Yuan Dynasty.

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阿里西瑛是元代中后期散曲作家,他仅有的几支散曲,反映出丰富的思想状态及其存在方式。Au Xiying is the writer of Sanqu in the middle and late Yuan Dynasty who had only a few works.

这些研究工作都说明了研究多阶模式的瑞雷波频散曲线的重要性。These studies all explain that with the dispersion curves higher modes have important meaning.

第三章,分析吴江派南散曲区别于戏曲的独特性。Chapter three is about the uniqueness of Wujing School's South Sanqu that is different from opera.

鼎足对是元散曲的一种独特对仗形式,是元人小令中在“量”与“质”两方面都居绝对首位的对仗。Tripartite antithesis is a particular form of antithesis adopted by non-dramatic song of Yuan Dynasty.

小山将散曲当作诗来创作,描写山水,抒写性灵。Zhang Kejiu takes Sanqu verse to describe landscapes and to express natural disposition and intelligence.

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贯云石是元代散曲创作成就最高的少数民族作家。Guan Yunshi, a national minority writer, is the highest achievement of Sanqu creation in the Yuan Dynasty.

关汉卿不仅是一位伟大的戏剧家,而且也是一位伟大的诗人,一位卓越的散曲作家。Guanhanqing is a great dramatist, a poet and especially an excellent writer of Sanqu in China's Yuan Dynasty.

对瑞雷波频散方程的数值计算表明,层状介质中瑞雷波往往存在多种模式,多模频散曲线有什么特征?。The numerical computation of Rayleigh wave found there are many modes in dispersion curve in the bedding media.

指出当低速软弱夹层存在时频散曲线的特点,并根据分析结果,说明“之”字形频散曲线的形成机理。According to the analyzing results, the forming mechanism of the zigzag dispersion curves has also been explained.

明朝中期文人王九思在当时一度颇有名气,其文学成就主要集中在散曲方面。As a cultured man in the middle ages of Ming Dynasty , Wang Jiu si was a famous person for his San Qu during that time.

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就元散曲中存在着的隐逸主题作一分析,并试探其形成的原因和特质。On analyzing the hermit phenomenon in Yuan lyrics, this article tempts to make a further study on its origin and characters.

通过与有限差分计算的频散曲线的比较验证了算法和程序的正确性。The method is validated by comparing the results obtained by this method with those obtained by the finite-difference method.

他的“以曲为词”的做法,使我们可以清楚地看到宋代俗词和元代散曲这两种文学样式之间相互影响的痕迹。His method of using songs as poems gives us an insight into the mutual influences between the Song common poems and Yuan poems.