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常常拥抱和偎依。Hug and snuggle more often.

她偎依在他的胸前。She snuggled up to his chest.

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与我在深海偎依。Whod dive into the sea with me.

惨白,不配给你当偎依的枕头。To give the saree as pillow to thy head.

几只小猫咪互相偎依着躺在篮子里。The baby cats nestled together in the basket.

唱,小鸟偎依在我内心深处!Sing, O bird that nestles deep within my heart!

孩子们偎依、安全的躺在他们的床上。The children were nestled all safe in their beds.

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雷雨之天,和爱人偎依在一起Snuggling together under the covers on a stormy day.

接着她深深叹口气,紧紧的偎依在我的怀抱里。Then she gave a deep sight and snuggled into my arms.

一只小猩猩像个孩子似地偎依在他的怀里。A baby gorilla lay in his arms just like a human baby did.

玉树位于大山之间,偎依着一个大山的缓坡。Yushu lies at the great mountains, against a gentle hill side.

让你的孩子们偎依在能激发音乐梦想的枕头上。Let your kids rest on pillows designed to inspire musical dreams.

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我们偎依在沙发上,轮流为彼此诵读书中的章节。Snuggling on the couch, we took turns reading chapters aloud to each other.

他们蜷缩着相互偎依在我家的挡风门栋里——两个衣衫褴褛的孩子,他们的衣服小得不能再小了。They huddled inside the storm door -- two children in ragged outgrown coats.

格卢利克附近,两头大西洋海象在浮冰上相互偎依。Two Atlantic walruses snuggle on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.

夜里,她一遍又一遍回味着那天下午在旧茅屋里偎依在卡巴顿怀里的情形。But at night she relived over and over again that afternoon in Cal Barton's arms in the old cabin.

地块有时候非常小,偎依在马孔内产区美轮美奂的村庄里。Plots that are sometimes tiny, snuggled into niches in the prettiest villages of the Mâconnaisregion.

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在那块洁净的豆青色油布中央,有两个紧紧偎依在一起的淡紫色人形。At the middle of this clean pea green oilcloth, two pale purple contours nestle against each other tightly.

偎依在这条风景如画的农业带内及其周边的是一些隐秘的所在,访客们在此地并不受欢迎。Nestled in and around this scenic agricultural belt are secret facilities that don't take kindly to visitors.

他在上面贴上自己的照片和诗歌,照片里他时而赤裸上身,时而偎依在床上,看上去总是情深款款。He's posted poetry and pictures of himself—sometimes bare-chested, sometimes snuggled up in bed, always looking soulful.