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年复一年。Year succeeds to year.

春来秋往,年复一年。Years had come and gone.

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我唱永歌年复一年。Songs of continued years I sing.

年复一年我们一直这样We've done this for year after year.

逃跑,至少能苟且偷生,年复一年,直到寿终正寝。Run, and you'll live at least a while.

年复一年,公主长眠不醒。Years went by, and the Princess slept.

逃跑,至少能苟且偷生,年复一年,直到寿终正寝。Run, and you will live at least a while.

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而我们又为什么年复一年为之倾倒?And why do we fall for it, year after year?

被耗子的脚拨来拨去的,年复一年。Rattled by the rats foot only, year to year.

年复一年,我存于期间却默默无闻。Year after year here lives me but unnoticed.

日复一日,年复一年,我一直听到类似的话。Day after day, I hear from people just like him.

这样比年复一年地生孩子更好。It’s better than having children year after year.

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年复一年我从空无中拉出自己的存在。For years I pulled my own existence out of emptiness.

这就是我们年复一年的研制新疫苗的原因。This is why we make new flu vaccines year after year.

那位老农年复一年在地里劳动。The old farmer works in the fields year in and year out.

我不想年复一年地讨论这种幼稚的事情。I do not want these childish discussions year after year.

你真地想年复一年去和你的阴暗面作斗争吗?Do you really want to battle your dark side year after year?

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年复一年,教了一个班又教一个班,他一直激励着我尽心负责。He has been my challenge year after year, class after class.

而且他不仅仅周复一周的训练,不仅仅月复一月的训练,而是年复一年的训练。And he trained hard not for the last weeks, months, but years.

年复一年,孩子长大了,她的苦难也增加了。From year to year the child grew, and so did her wretchedness.