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如再相等,则名次并列。If again equal, then the position juxtaposes.

他在班内名次退居第五。He has dropped back to the fifth in his class.

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你有否参加过跑步的赛事?并获取过名次?。Have you join any match? Do you in a name list?

在名次表里,我们排在第二位。We are in the second place in the table of ranking.

但这样的名次是从两年前的三十几名升上来的。But that is up from rankings in the 30s two years ago.

我有些不走运,但还是以不错的名次完赛了。We were a bit unlucky but still a good place to finish.

天,长跑队的名次被确定下来。Two weeks later, the names of the team runners were called.

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她的名次逐渐上升,一度接近乒乓球世界排名首位。She rose to near the top of the world table tennis rankings.

每年的冬季越野赛我都给班里拿过好的名次。I had very good performance in each year's 'Cross-country race'.

如果我们摧折你,你便是被羞辱了,而为你排列名次就是在摧折你。If we destroy you, you are humiliated. Ranking you destroys you.

在世界商业活动中的名次从2003年的第四位升涨到第三位。Ranking in world trade from 2003 to fourth place to third place.

苹果在财富500强中今年上升了21个名次,进入到了前50名。Apple climbed 21 slots into the top 50 of the Fortune 500 this year.

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英国并非唯一一个没有保住名次的国家。The U.K. wasn't the only country that struggled to keep its ranking.

他参加过竞争激烈的伐木工大赛,也经常获得名次。He had entered grueling lumberjack competitions, and had placed often.

罗拉在此名次上挤掉了科特尼·考克斯和泰瑞·海切尔。Lara edges out Courtney Cox and Teri Hatcher for this position on the list.

洛杉矶上升了32个名次,占据第23位,而华盛顿则上升了41个名次,排第66位。Los Angeles gained 32 places to 23rd and Washington is up 41 places to 66th.

如今,中国富人半开玩笑地称这个名次是“死亡名册”。China's affluent now sometimes half-jokingly call the ranking the Death List.

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易卜拉欣在亚的斯亚贝巴的记者会上公布了他的第二次年度名次名录。Ibrahim unveiled his second annual index at a news conference in Addis Ababa.

根据每位选手比赛的总杆数累计总成绩,杆数低者名次列前。The place in the competition will be bases on the two days lowest total score.

两人在2010已有不俗的表现,这次是冲着名次改写和打法创新而来的。Both are already titlists in 2010 and are ever improving their ranking and play.