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那才是功夫茶的真谛。That is the soul of Kongfu tea.

哦,澄澈的天空,什么才是爱的真谛?Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love.

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这就是外交工作的真谛。That is what diplomacy is all about.

这就是功利主义的真谛。This is the essence of utilitarianism.

生命过半,才能悟出人生的真谛。Life is half spent before we know what it is!

我们如此忙碌,难道就是是生命的真谛吗?Is being this busy really the meaning of life?

忠忱的真谛,就是忘我。The real name of devotion is disinterestedness.

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从三项全能运动训练中学到的6条人生真谛Six Life Lessons Learned from Triathlon Training

用缙友情诠释生命中的真谛。Too annotate the essence of life with friendship.

历经多年人生如梦,最后终于领悟生命的真谛。Dreaming all these years, finally the right decision.

大风起兮,带它们领悟自我的真谛去了。The great winds came and took them up into themselves.

这是本质,是对真谛的顿悟,是真理的时刻。Here is the inscape, the epiphany, the moment of truth.

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且皆为“党籍”之家后裔,这是其深层感情相扭结的真谛所在。All this is the true meaning of their deep twisting feelings.

只有百中之一的人才有机会寻找到人之生存真谛。The chances of finding a human existence are one in a hundred.

罗素先生说的,“美难以定义,当你一睹芳容,自然会明白她的真谛”。Beauty is impossible to define it, you know it when you see it.

告诉你我爱的真谛我还对爱毫无概念。让我看到奇迹可以成真。Show me that wonders can be ture. They say nothing losts forever.

跪求“因为感恩才让我们懂得了生命的真谛。It's being thankful that makes us realize the true meaning of life.

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真爱中包含许多真挚大感情,过去我一直苦苦找寻爱的真谛。And in the past I used the time for the sake of finding the meaning.

我只是知道付出的真谛不能被商业化。I just know that the concept of real giving cannot be commercialized.

我虔诚的祈祷,我相信上帝最后会让我找到生命的真谛。I will pray piously, I believe God will let me find the truth of life.