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四川各种矿藏蕴量丰富。Various ores were abundant.

衰老的身体正如一块自我孕育了矿藏的土地。The ageing body is like a field self-sown with mines.

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我国云南有一个钾石盐矿藏。There is a sylvine deposit in Yunnan Province of China.

丰富的矿藏,是大自然给我们的恩泽!Abundant mineral resources are bounties bestowed by nature.

矿藏资源有石英、铁、沸石、煤、锆等。Quartz mineral resources, iron, zeolite, coal, such as zirconium.

铀的矿藏量丰富,值得进行开采。There was uranium in sufficient quantity to make mining economic.

这种机器人的矿藏传感器被激光炮所取代。The droid's mineral sensors have been replaced with laser cannons.

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这些矿藏可以通过将淤泥抽吸到海面的方式进行开采利用。The elements can be gathered by pumping up the mud to the surface.

人们认为世界上所有的大矿山已被发现完了,而老矿藏资源日渐枯竭,年总产量很可能会下降。Old mines are growing tired. Total annual output will probably fall.

探矿人员在这里发现了方解石、石英等矿藏。The prospectors have discovered such minerals as calcite, quartz here.

我们国家拥有丰富的自然资源,有很多矿藏分布。Our country is rich in natural resource, we have many mineral deposits.

为了寻找矿藏资源,地质学家利用一系列核爆炸来绘制地球剖面图。To search minerals geologists make profiles with a series of explosions.

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矿藏有铬、铜、镍铁、沥青、煤、石油等。Minerals are chromium, copper, nickel, iron, asphalt, coal and petroleum.

地质勘探队为寻找矿藏而走遍四面八方。The prospecting team traversed far and wide in search of mineral deposits.

我们通过寻找矿藏来开发我国的自然资源。We develop the natural resources of our country by searching for minerals.

西峡县地处伏牛山区,石墨矿藏资源十分丰富。Xixia county lies Funiu mountain, there is plenty of resource of graphite.

中国很幸运的把他们肥大的屁股坐在了有着丰富稀有矿藏的土地上。China got lucky they sit their fat arses on a land rich with rare minerals.

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拥有富裕的矿藏的加丹加省现已能看到大规模的开采场面。Mineral-rich Katanga province has seen large-scale scooping and shovelling.

然而,一旦矿藏得到开采,政府将财源滚滚,获得相当丰厚的回报。Yet when it does, the government will reap a considerable revenue windfall.

丰富的地下矿藏是美国工业的坚实基础。Underground, a wealth of minerals provides a solid base for American industry.