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他通过了预赛,但在决赛中输掉了。He got through the preliminaries but lost out in the finals.

他轻松地通过了跳高预赛。He has easily won the preliminary contest for the high jump.

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预赛中刘翔因为脚伤复发,退出比赛,一瘸一拐地走出国家体育场时,人们随后嘲笑他,“懦夫,典型的上海人”。He was subsequently mocked as "a coward, a typical Shanghai man".

刘翔在本周一第一轮预赛前就因伤退出了比赛。Liu pulled out injured just before the first heats of the event on Monday.

通常游泳运动员上午参加预赛,晚上参加决赛。Normally they swim preliminaries in the morning and finals in the evening.

周一,刘翔在110米栏第一轮预赛中起跑失败。Liu Xiang failed to start his 110 metres hurdles first-round heat on Monday.

预赛结束后,卢甘尼斯去了医院,伤口缝了5针。Following the preliminary round, Louganis went to a hospital and got five stitches.

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而在北京奥运会上,预赛将在晚间举行,而总决赛将在上午举行。In Beijing, preliminaries will be in the evening and finals will be in the morning.

可是如果我们连世界杯和我们自己搞的“奥运会”的预赛都通不过But when we don’t qualify for the World Cup or get past the heats at our own Olympics

意大利队在欧预赛小组赛最后一轮比赛中3-0大胜北爱尔兰队。The Italian National Team won 3-0 against Northern Ireland in the European Cup Qualifier.

相比之下,关于“预赛赛特别版”的板球报道一定会成为有效的佐证。By contrast, coverage of the cricket on “Test Match Special” would surely be proof positive.

他麾下的英格兰在世预赛上的防守不失球场次限于和安道尔以及哈萨克斯坦的比赛。His clean sheets in the World Cup have been restricted to games with Andorra and Kazakhstan.

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世预赛中的26个进球远超其他欧洲任何球队。The total of 26 goals to date in the qualifiers is far greater than any other side in Europe.

但北京奥运会上,伤病迫使这位25岁的运动员退出预赛。But injury forced the 25-year-old to pull up during the first round of the hurdles in Beijing.

其中雪上项目在吉林市举行,冰上项目在哈尔滨举行,没有举行预赛。One project in jilin city, snow held in Harbin ice project without a preliminary contest held.

尽管刘在预赛中就被淘汰出局,但他仍然成为中国体育史上的英雄。Though he did not make it to the finals, he has been hailed a hero in China's sporting history.

到目前为止,这项“竞赛”已经吸引了30位“参赛者”,并且预赛将会在8月份进行。So far their competition has attracted 30 entrants. The heats will take place throughout August.

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女子跳水10米跳台预赛将在今天下午举行。The preliminary competition for the women's 10-meter platform diving will be held this afternoon.

预赛后中国名列第三,而俄国和罗马尼亚队则在预赛中占绝对优势。China was in third place after the preliminaries which were dominated by the Russians and Romanians.

每一次训练、每一个拍摄镜头、每一场预赛和比赛都是事先安排好的。Every practice is structured. Every film session is structured. Every pregame and game is structured.