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这也是我们时代的辩证法。That is one of the dialectics of our era.

世界观、方法论、辩证法是也!It is world view, methodology and dialectics.

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这也是我们这个时代的辩证法。This also is us the dialectics of this times.

你必须采取唯物论和辩证法的方法。You have to go to materialism and dialectics.

最为精巧的辩证法总是结尾于怀旧。The most subtle dialectics always end in nostalgia.

辩证法研究对立物是怎样变统一的。Dialectic studies how opposites can become identical.

这就是辩证法在国际关系中的运用。This is the dialectics in international relations use.

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马克思主义辩证法是未来学的方法论。Marxist's dialectics is the methodology of the futurology.

阿希比底思设法在辩证法中找到自我。Alcibiades tries to find the self in a dialectical movement.

从辩证法上来分析,诡辩的本质是一种谬误。Dialectical analyzing the nature of sophism, it is a mistake.

同样辩证法又是知识范围内一切真正科学认识的灵魂。It is also the soul of all knowledge which is truly scientific.

波兰尼的默会认识理论具有深刻的辩证法内涵。The theory of tacit knowledge embodies deep dialectical spirit.

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在这种泛化的过程中,遮蔽了辩证法最为本质性的东西。Such extension for the dialectic shades the essence of dialectic.

我们要反对主观主义,就要宣传唯物主义,就要宣传辩证法。To combat subjectivism we must propagate materialism and dialectics.

自然辩证法具有开发智力的特殊功能。Dialectics of Nature has exceptional function in developing intelligence.

也就是说,中介是辩证法的星丛关系得以理论建构的核心范畴。That is to say, medium is the nuclear category of dialectical constellations.

对霍克海默、阿多诺而言,启蒙的辩证法就是理性历史的辩证法。Enlightening dialectic is the rational historical dialectic to Horkheimer, Adorno.

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把黑格尔的初级唯心辩证法改造为高级唯物辩证法。The Hegelian dialectics of the initial idealism for senior materialist dialectics.

辩证法有一种怀旧情结,本雅明与阿多诺的作品中就有这种怀旧。There is a nostalgia in dialectics, in the work of Benjamin and Adorno for Examle.

赫拉克利特是古希腊卓越的自发唯物主义的辩证法思想家。Herakleitos was the great thinker of the spontaneous materialism of ancient Greece.