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披风上的长袜……stockings on the mantle...

她拔着红呢绒披风。She was cloaked in red wool.

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风想用什么方式让路人脱下披风?。The wind tried to blow off the man's cloak.

身上的披风在冷风中漫天飞舞。The cape billows and snaps in the cold wind.

身穿披风的神秘人处处可见?Mysterious people in cloaks all over the place?

“妈妈,”卡廷卡说,“把我的皮披风拿过来。"Mother, " said Katinka, "give me my fur cloak.

越来越短的衣服边也应用到了外衣和披风上。And shorter hem lines apply to coats& capes as well.

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当即,炼金术士的披风和蒸馏罐马上成为时尚,其价格立刻扶摇直上。The price of alchemist capes and retorts skyrocketed.

皮甲和披风的基础护甲会受到厚皮的加成。Thick hide multiplies the base armor on leather and cloaks.

今晚你要披什么披风哪——大法师的紫色披风?What mantle will you wear tonight—the purple of royal magus?

今晚你要披什么披风哪——大法师的紫色披风?What mantle will you wear tonight—the purple of royal magus ?

您好,我在这里留下清凉质感享受一个披风。Hello, well here I leave a Moirai Cloak with cool texture enjoy.

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无袖长披风带有圆领并可脱卸披肩的、长而宽松的外套。A long, loose overcoat with a detachable capehaving a round collar.

他的披风是最上等的黄金打造的,由细小的金叶组成。His cape was made of the finest gold woven into tiny little leaves.

西班牙一个斗牛场,一位拿着披风的斗牛士做好了行动准备。Amatador stands with cape at the ready in a bullfighting ring in Spain.

狼崽儿特有的绒毛外套不见了,取而代之的是一件漂亮的黑披风。Gone was the puppy-wool coat. In its place was a handsome black mantle.

我将披散我的头发,我的青蓝的披风将像黑夜一样地紧裹着我。I will let loose my hair. My blue cloak will cling round me like night.

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小披风可随意搭配,适合0-3岁宝宝穿着。Optional collocation small cloak, suitable for 0-3 years old baby wear.

穿着的披风表明了战士们所面对的恶劣天气。The ponchos are indicative of the miserable weather the soldiers faced.

如果脱掉他那件披风,你会发现他穿的是克隆人的盔甲!If his serape was removed, he would be revealed to be wearing clone armor!