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他瞒着太太在外面拈花惹草。He cheats on his wife.

我的男朋友瞒着我拈花惹草。My boyfriend cheated on me!

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我是没有时间拈花惹草的,也不喜欢。I had no time or inclination to philander.

当然了,如果她忠贞,但她的老公在外拈花惹草,她的风险也会增大。Having an unfaithful husband also increases her risk.

你需要戒除拈花惹草和威士忌,还有彻夜狂欢。You need to quit the women and whiskey and carrying on all night.

她最后说出老公骗她,在外拈花惹草的秘密。She finally spilled her guts that her husband has been cheating on her.

这些发现并没有告诉我们是否是因为拈花惹草引起了抑郁症。These findings don't tell us whether it's sleeping around that triggers depression.

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爱宅的处女座憎恶天秤座天性爱拈花惹草,追求快乐。Stay-at-home Virgo resents Libra's socialbutterfly instincts and pursuit of pleasure.

她说,中国有越来越多的富裕的女性,她们的丈夫却期待她们能容忍男人拈花惹草。China’s more well-to-do women, she said, are expected to tolerate a husband’s multiple mistresses.

杰克发誓说别的女人他连看也从不曾看一眼,叫吉尔放心他绝非拈花惹草之徒。Swearing he had never so much as looked at another woman, Jack assured Jill he was no philanderer.

你谎话连篇,你拈花惹草背叛你的老婆,你操纵别人并在他们背后说坏话。You lie, you cheat on your wife, and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs.

据悉,酒井法子于1998年年底与高相奉子成婚,婚后高相一直在外拈花惹草,导致婚姻多次亮红灯。Sakai and Takaso were married in late 1998. However, Takaso's many love affairs soon troubled the marriage.

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据此项对70288人进行的在线调查显示,朋友和同事最易成为“拈花惹草”的对象。According to the online survey of 70,288 people, the most common cheating partners are friends and co-workers.

宙斯凭借着神王的地位,到处拈花惹草,闹出了许多风流韵事,给得墨忒尔带来了无穷无尽的烦恼。Zeus the God King by virtue of the status of everywhere, making a lot of affair to Demeter brought endless trouble.

1997年的夏天,27岁的阿妙跟欠债累累、拈花惹草的卖鱼父亲,被逼来到富贵墟打工抵债。It is the summer of 1997. 27-year-old Miu starts working as a fishmonger at Prosperity Market to pay the heavy debts of her philandering father.

娜丽的二公子巴拉米喜欢拈花惹草,晚饭后将楠凤带去夜总会,大哥拉辛得知后很是不满。Na li i's two childe barak meters like NianHuaReCao, after supper will nan fung ngaamz nightclub, eldest brother rahim learned after are unhappy.

在中国很少有女人因为自己的丈夫在外拈花惹草而要求离婚,而对美国女性来说,欺骗是绝对不能宽恕的,离婚是唯一的解决办法。Few wives in China will divorce with their husbands who have love affairs with other women, while, to American wives , cheating is absolutely intolerant and divorce is the only solution.