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假若有,是谁受权他们这样做?And if so, by whom is it so empowered?

代理人受权出售该财产。The agent is empowered to sell the property.

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我受权开的价钱是诚实无欺的。The offer I am empowered to make is bona fide.

只有经过受权的人才可能访问这些打算机文件。Only authorized personnel can access these computer files.

中国市场表现受权重股如“中国移动”和“中国人寿”带动。The Chinese market was led down by China Mobile and China Life.

英国受权代管德国在东非的前殖民地。Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.

1992年,阿基诺在有六名竞选人的总统竞选中受权他接任总统。In 1992, Aquino endorsed Ramos in the six-candidate race to succeed her.

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本程式”指任何以本授权予以受权的可被版权保护之作品。The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this License."

本人受权香港医学专科学院于本人上述之信用卡扣除有关款项。I hereby authorize"Hong Kong Academy of Medicine"to debit the stated amount from my credit card.

我们具有压力容器制造和安装的受权认可证书。We haudio-videoe received Certificgot of Authoriz for the ftummyric and erection of pressure vessels.

下列正式受权的全权代表签署本条约以资证明。In witness whereof, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, duly authorized, have signed the present Treaty.

我们具有压力容器建造和安装的受权认可证书。We haudio-videoe received Certificgot of Authoriz for the fstomachric and erection of pressure vessels.

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一开始他们想通过中心事故来威吓这家被受权公司。At the outset there is the tentative hint of the first-due company bullying his way through midtown traffic.

数字藏书楼反在建设入程外头后里临的非信做资流的版权受权。Digital Library during the construction of the first face is authorized by the copyright information resources.

我们具有压力容器制造和安装的受权认可证书。We haudio-videoe received Certifichproposas of Authorizine for the fabdominasricine and erection of pressure vessels.

我认为,对知识的追求主要是受权欲的驱使,于是就有了科学技术的进步。The pursuit of knowledge is, I think, mainly actuated by love of power. And so are all advances in scientific technique.

我们具有压力容器建造和安装的受权认可证书。We haudio-videoe received Certifichmarketing cwaspaign of Authorizine for the fabdominingricine and erection of pressure vessels.

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之前画面上会弹出需求受权地窗口,是因为调试比拟仓皇,临时没解决此问题,现在自己公司现场人员曾经解决。The previously appeared requests for authrization were due to a debugging negligence, which has been by now resolved by our on-site team.

在法规事务、检验技术和生产技术方面,对质量受权人和其他关键人员有持续性的培训吗?Do the Qualified Person and other key persons receive continuous training in regulatory affairs and in analytical and production technology?

卖方受权保留控制货物处置权的单据,并不影响风险的移转。The fact that the seller is authorized to retain documents controlling the disposition of the goods does not affect the passage of the risk.