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金将军认为徐大校与大量中国军事最高机密关联紧密。Jin said Xu was extremely close to China's top military brass.

据新华社报道,飞行员大校邱光华再过一个月就退休了。The pilot, Col. Qiu Guanghua, had been just one month from retirement, Xinhua said.

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本次口试将于台师大校本部温州街日本研究中心举行。The interview will be conducted in the Third floor of the Center for Japanese Studies.

科大校董会主席陈祖泽博士衷心感谢李兆基博士的鼎力支持。HKUST Council Chairman Dr John C C Chan expressed profound gratitude to Dr Lee for his munificent donation.

浸大校董会暨谘议会主席郑慕智先生将成合作后的首位投保人。Moses Cheng, Chairman of the HKBU Council and the Court, is the first person to participate in the programme.

成锡忠大校向来宾详细介绍建军84年来,中国人民解放军的发展理念、艰苦历程和辉煌成就。Sr. Col. Cheng had introduced the details of the PLA's development and achievements during the past 84 years.

理大校方也必须向公众保证,不会对该学生采取进一步的行动。The USM authority should instead assure Malaysians that there will be no further action taken against the student.

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大校说,他们在附近发现了大量防冻机油的痕迹,应该算是证明了第二条。The senior colonel said that they found lots of anti-frostbite machine oil nearby, which turned out the second idea.

这个村子不怎么偏僻,距离本县最大的镇店也不过三五里路,学校也算中等的大校。The village is not isolated, from the county's largest town shop is only three five miles, the school also is middle.

刘明福大校这么说。他本人就是一本鼓吹中国扩充军力以达到威慑美国为目的的书刊作者。That's a fact, " said Liu Mingfu, author of a book calling for China to develop a military so powerful Washington will not dare challenge it."

寡助是重要因素,但是附随因素,依敌我本身的基本因素如何而定其作用的大校。Abundant or meagre support is an important but a subsidiary factor, and the degree of its effect depends upon the fundamental factors on both sides.

金将军还谈到另一名大校,王庆前。他曾是驻东京中国大使馆的军事联络官,因向日本泄漏机密而被捕。Jin said another senior colonel, Wang Qingqian, was caught spying for Japan while serving as a military liaison officer at the Chinese embassy in Tokyo.

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支票递交仪式同场举行,由浸大校董会暨谘议会主席王英伟先生和浸大校长吴清辉教授代表接受。Accepting the donation on behalf of the University were Mr. Wilfred Wong, HKBU Council Chairman, and Professor Ng Ching-fai, HKBU President & Vice-Chancellor.

解放军大校张继钢兼开幕式副导演在开幕式之前告诉记者,官兵们承担了最辛苦的表演任务。"The troops have taken on all the hardest parts of the performance, " Zhang Jigang, PLA senior colonel and ceremony deputy director, told reporters ahead of the event.

根据这个原则,评定职工工资级别时,主要是看他的劳动好坏、技术高低、贡献大校。In accordance with this principle, a person's grade on the pay scale is determined mainly by his performance on the job, his technical level and his actual contribution.

马昕蓝所在的情报处将对飞行员的注意事项说出来,邵平安排接待苏俄飞行员,大校机场又布满了飞机。MaXin blue in the QingBaoChu will for the pilots precautions out and, ShaoPing arrangements for the reception Russian pilots, senior colonel airport and was full of the plane.

伊大校长在电话上告诉我,他们愿意通力合作,因为他们认为这是学校荣誉上的污点,他们愿意抹去这个污点。ersity president called me and told me that they intended to fully cooperate because they considered this a stain on the university's reputation that they intend to remove," Mikva said.

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金将军谈到徐俊平大校,他曾经是国防外交总参谋部美洲大洋洲局长,却在2000年,叛逃到美国。Jin talked about Senior Col. Xu Junping, who once directed the American and Oceanic department of the defense ministry's foreign affairs office but defected to the United States in 2000.

2011年7月27日晚,驻哈萨克斯坦使馆武官许有明大校在阿斯塔纳北京大厦举办招待会,热烈庆祝中国人民解放军建军84周年。On the evening of July 27, 2011, Chinese Embassy in India held the reception marking the 84th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army at the Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi.

中国空军新闻发言人申进科大校表示,余旭挚爱飞行、追求卓越,是中国空军女飞行员群体的优秀代表。Senior colonel Shen Jinke, spokesperson of the Chinese PLA Air Force, commented that Yu Xu was an outstanding representative of Chinese Air Force's female pilots who love flying and pursue excellence.