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请教您的大名。Your name, please.

请教调试问题?Please try kdevelop.

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请教炒股票问题?Consult fry share issue?

向二位师傅请教一下。Excuse me, you two masters.

我可以请教大家脚脖子是指脚踝吗?。I think he meant the ankle.

你们可以向他请教这个问题You can ask him about that.

我们常向他们请教。We often ask them for advice.

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请教一下是财务科吗?。Is the the finance department?

让我们请教埃文,薛定谔吧。Let's go to Erwin Schrodinger.

来提问吧向高手请教吧!Ask them to masters in QnA board!

我可以请教您贵庚?。Can I consult you about your age?

我想要几条孔雀鱼,顺便请教请教养鱼的技术,行吗?Love me, that's all I ask of you.

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“我宁愿请教女人,”李士多里说。I prefer a woman, " said Listolier."

好靓呀可以请教一下点样打灯吗?。Ask what you can do with your camera.

我们有个问题想请教你一下。We have a little question for you Derm.

我们就这事请教过他。We have consulted him about the matter.

向某人请教想法或者建议。Ask someone for their opinion or advice.

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请教,我在那边可乘坐地铁8号线?。Excuse me. Where can Itake Metro Line 8?

请教轻轨站在哪儿?。Where is the light rail station, please?

王教授,可以请教您几个问题吗?Professor wang can I ask a few questions?