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花里胡哨还是朴实无华?Fancy with a flourish or plain?

不要管那些花里胡哨的语言----告诉我事实就行了。Never mind all these fancy phrases--- just tell us the plain facts.

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我想我不会去,穿着花里胡哨的衣服聚会,我不大喜欢。I don't think I'll come. Fancy-dress parties aren't really my scene.

满足用户体验要比满足其他花里胡哨的兼容性重要得多。Meeting user expectations is far more important than buzzword compliance.

包括评论音轨、幕后花絮和另外些花里胡哨的玩意儿。There are commentary tracks, behind-the-scenes footage, some other great bells and whistles.

你落笔时会是颤抖胆怯的,还是鲜明果敢的?花里胡哨还是朴实无华?。Would your strokes be tremblingly timid or brilliantly bold? Fancy with a flourish or plain?

我们从一个单身教授那儿租了间花里胡哨的公寓--每面墙上都贴了棉缎,每幅窗帘上都有饰孔。We had rented the fussy apartment of a bachelor professor ?every wall sateen, every curtain eyelet.

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他开了一家小蒸汽洗衣店,花里胡哨,设备齐全,你若是想安定下来,可以拿这家铺子开张。It's a dandy, well-appointed, small steam laundry. There's a start for you if you want to settle down.

我们戴上傻傻的帽子,用闪闪亮亮的灯装点圣诞树,用花里胡哨的包装纸包装礼物,这对我们是有好处的。We put on silly hats and drape trees with sparkly lights and wrap gifts in garish paper and that’s good for us.

软件界面简单而友好,除了搜索功能,这个软件没有花里胡哨的噱头。The interface is simple and user-friendly – one doesn’t need unnecessary things when just searching for something.

张彩玉精心打扮出去,张母说她可不想找那个花里胡哨的老花头当女婿。Zhang Caiyu dress up to go out, mother said she didnt want to looking for the fussy old flower heads when son-in-law.

咱们平日都知道而且讥笑这些花里胡哨的小汽船,管它们叫“花一先令买头晕”的船。We've known them and laughed at them, these fussy little steamers, all our lives. We have called them "the shilling sicks".

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同一房间色彩不宜过多,不同房间可分别置色,忌花里胡哨紊乱无序。Same room colour is unfavorable and overmuch, different room can part buy color, gaudy does not have avoid mussily foreword.

我们从一个单身教授那儿租了间花里胡哨的公寓——每面墙上都贴了棉缎,每幅窗帘上都有饰孔。我们就像住在衬裙里面。We had rented the fussy apartment of a bachelor professor -every wall sateen, every curtain eyelet. It was like living inside a petticoat.

演示文稿中用太多程序里花里胡哨的功能是无经验PPT使用者的另一个标志。Another indicator of an inexperienced Powerpoint user is when too many of the fancy functions from the program are used in the presentation.

那些新建的建筑在混凝土外墙上胡乱包一层木板,在上面画些花里胡哨的画,再配上飞檐,就算是对历史的保护了。The concession to history often consists of a few new buildings with upturned eaves and garishly painted timber slapped on concrete facades.

这个公园的主要景观是一些像“吻石”、“醉龟”、“金蟾戏松”这样名字花里胡哨的花岗岩石像。The main attractions of the park are granite formations with colourful names, such as Kissing Boulders, Drunken Tortoise and Pine Teasing Golden Toad.

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这些上班族和那些老练的荷兰家庭联合律师和医生们跟共同的劲敌作斗争,花里胡哨的广告牌会让房产价值受到损害。The working stiffs and the old Dutch families had joined with the lawyers and doctors to battle a common nemesis whose garish sign would savage property values.

有他花里胡哨的访谈和诡异的做法,比如上个月公布的,所有利比亚的士兵和警察全部同时获得提拔。There are his flamboyant interviews and dotty gestures, such as last month's announcement that all Libya's soldiers and policemen had been simultaneously promoted.

然而,一位中产阶级的妇女,一名股票经济人的妻子,舍弃点心摊却报名让孩子参加这么个花里胡哨的活动,也是乡村游园会上罕有的事。However, it was unusual at a village fête for a middle-class woman, a stockbroker's wife, to abandon the cake-and-chutney stall and enter her child for such a gaudy event.