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假如佛陀已成就庄严的佛殿,那他坐在那里?If the Buddha has completed his adornments, where does he sit?

佛殿与罗汉殿设穿廊,成工字殿的形式。There is corridor in the Buddha hall and Arhat hall, in the form of "I".

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今天大家进佛殿时,看见一条蛇,牠也是众生之一。The snake that appeared as we entered the Buddha Hall today is also a living being.

寺内有玉佛殿、先王殿、佛骨殿、藏经阁、钟楼和金塔。A jade Buddhist Monastery, the first Dian-, author Dian, collapse, the Clock Tower and the urn.

乃琼庙是大召寺的组成部分之一,位于大召寺建筑群落中轴线西侧,前有经堂后有佛殿。Nechung Monastery, as part of Dazhao Temple, is located to the west of the building group axis.

著名胜境有千佛殿、墓塔林、辟支塔、大雄宝殿等几十处。Famous scenic spot has a thousand Fodian, Muta forest, then tower, main hall and other dozens of.

此外,沿着佛殿两山墙砌台上还排列着五百罗汉塑像。In addition, the permitted along the gable of the two characters on stage lined with statues Ocean 500.

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此佛像是以檀香木雕刻而成,当你进入佛殿内时,檀香扑鼻而来。This Buddha is crafted in sandalwood, when you entered the room you can smell the nice fragrance of the sandalwood.

静安寺宽敞的佛殿里,一个年轻女人孤零零地跪在佛像前,为生活,为爱情,为家人健康?In the big* of the temple, a young lady knelt lonely in front of the god, for life, for love, for the health of her family?

一天晚上,胡在寺庙里等到所有访客都回家了,他非常安静地站在佛殿门外,还检查了确实没有其他人在附近。One evening, he waited in the temple until all the visitors had gone home. He stood very quietly outside the entrance of the Buddha Hall.

在他死后一百年,一位大主教为了宣布斯韦辛为圣徒,想把他的尸骨迁移到教堂的佛殿内,以示纪念。A hundred years later in order to declare him a saint, a bishop planned to have the body moved to a shrive inside the church to honor his memory.

最近看到在佛殿举行的出家仪式时,使我回想起自己在离开世俗的家,进入僧团的经验。As I watched the recent leaving home ceremony here in the Buddha hall, I recalled my own leaving the householder's life and entering monastic life.

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十一世纪的辟支塔,千佛殿,内有一尊明朝青铜佛像和四十尊真人大小的诸神雕像。There is the 11th Century Pizhi Pagoda and the Thousand Buddha Hall, which houses a Ming Dynasty bronze Buddha and 40 painted life size deity statues.

在佛殿中,他们又是释迦牟尼的左右胁侍,俗称“老迦叶”、“少阿难”。They are both the disciples receiving Sakyamuni's personal teaching and the retinues of Sakyamuni, the Older Kasyapa in the left and the Younger Ananda in the right.

玉佛殿是玉佛寺的主体建筑,大殿正中的神龛里供奉着被泰国视为国宝的玉佛像。Jade temple is the main architectural Jade Buddha Temple, the center of the altar in the basilica, which houses were regarded as national treasures of Thailand jade Buddha.

佛殿两旁东西花园,现已装修一新,舒适幽雅,服务设施完备,供游人歇息。On both sides of the Buddhist hall are east and west gardens, the decoration is new, comfortable and tasteful . The comprehensive services and facilities for visitors are available.

其二,拉卜楞寺的主要建筑类型,如学院建筑、佛殿建筑、囊欠、僧舍都有其独特的设计规律。Secondly, Labuleng- monastery's main buildings, such as college buildings, halls for worshipping Buddha , living-buddha's houses, monks'apartment, possess their special layout rules.

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一天晚上,胡在寺庙里等到所有访客都回家了,他非常安静地站在佛殿门外,还检查了确实没有其他人在附近。One evening, he waited in the temple until all the visitors had gone home. He stood very quietly outside the entrance of the Buddha Hall. He checked to make sure no one else was around.

史上有名的千家寨、帮崴、景迈、板山、无量山、佛殿山、营盘山、牛洛河八大茶区,就分布在思茅的东西南北四方。The historically well-known 8 great tea areas Qianjianzhai, Bangwei, Jingmai, Banshan, Wuliangshang, Yunpanshan and Niuluohe are distributed in the east, west, south and north of Simao.