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他们比我块头大。They are bigger than me.

嘿,你块头大,你有很多木头。You're a big guy. You got a lotta wood.

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瞧他那肌肉的块头就知道他力大无比。His brawny strength is evident from his big muscles.

我爱我的男友,但是他却是个块头大又四肢发达的傢伙。I love my boyfriend, but he's just a big, dumb jock.

他是个大黑块头,而我是个红头发的小矮胖子。He was a massive black giant and I was a pudgy little redhead.

水晶是一种很有灵气的石头,块头是大是小都不要紧。Crystals are very clever little rocks and size does not matter.

他的块头似乎显得比我记的更大了。In that small room, he seemed even bigger than I remembered him.

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最后一个瘦长瘦长的,块头小一些,一头不整洁的古铜色头发。The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair.

恶狠狠的“大块头”们看到他冲着自己微笑,咯咯地笑,或者眨眨眼,他们就心软了。Big, tough men crumbled when he smiled, giggled and winked at them.

这种体型的人通常上半身块头较大而下半身比例稍小。This body shape is usually bigger up top and smaller on the bottom.

镜头转向面对波尔的一角,波尔块头有一角的两倍。A scene cuts to Ikaku who is facing Pou, a guy who is twice his size.

克斯特亚在心里骂着瘦子季曼,起身向那大块头的方向迈出一步。Cursing Skinny Zyama, Kostya took a step in the gangster’s direction.

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他块头很大,他很坚强,但是他却有着一颗10岁女孩般柔软的心。He's big, he's tough, and he has the soft heart of a 10 year-old girl.

尽管他块头大,很肥胖,她还是接受了他的求婚。In spite of the fact that he was big and fat she accepted his proposal.

做完这一切后,汉斯莱转身把枪口指向两名联邦警察中块头较大的一个。Then he turned and pointed the weapon at the larger of the two marshals.

即使他在我们当中是块头最大的,可是他突然间就好像变得很小。Even though he was the biggest guy in the gang, he suddenly looked small.

韦德的块头也明显比詹姆斯小,他的最佳速度也稍慢。Also, Wade obviously is smaller than James and his top speed is slightly slower.

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市场本该就是自由的,不能凭借块头大就去恐吓小国!Market was suppose to be free not a way to terrorise smaller countries by bigger!

它们很可能是群里年龄最老的,块头最大的,体格最强的,也是最精明的。They are likely to be the oldest, largest, strongest and most intelligent wolves in the pack.

平时和其他篮球运动员在一起,你还看不出来奥尼尔的块头究竟有多大。When he’s surrounded by other basketball players, it’s easy to lose sight of how big Shaq really is.