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最后,以退为进,目光长远。Finally, the example, long-term vision.

宽容要以退为进、积极地防御。Tolerance to retreat and active defense.

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后来这些社会工作者是怎么做到的呢?以退为进法!How then, did these social workers pull it off? The Door in the Face!

以退为进,这好象是僧侣制度的座右铭。To abdicate with the object of reigning seems to be the device of monasticism.

这种原则消极的一面是牺牲态度,这是一种以退为进的奇特模式。The negative side of this principle is the martyr attitude, a peculiar kind of passive aggressiveness.

由于显而易见的原因,红黑军团试图以退为进,来引导事情清晰化。For obvious reasons, the Rossoneri are trying to steer well clear of any controversy by taking a step back.

从这些经历中,他学会了“以退为进,选择低职位来过渡也许是一个人最终取得成功的最佳途径。”What the experience taught him, he says, is that "taking a step down may be your best bet for ultimate success."

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但是这个以退为进的策略最终可能被证明是有效的,至少可以强迫微软为每一股多付几个子儿。But the push-back may prove effective in the end—at least by forcing the suitor to cough up a few more bucks a share.

事实上,我考虑过你的想法。我发现你的建议像是个以退为进的方法。Well, in fact, I've given it some thought and I've found your proposal is like taking a step backward for two steps forward.

我们多花心思在管理项目上,是现在这个时期比较好的策略,以退为进。We are floriferous idea is managing a project to go up, it is now the strategy with this better period, retreat in order to advance.

“以退为进”把风从客户的帆船上撤走,使得谈判有可能以双方都能接受的方式继续进行。"Falling back" takes the wind out of the customer's sails and makes it possible for you to have a conversation in which each side is OK.

警察在谢尔夫离开了住所,聚集支持者兴奋展示实力之时,以退为进取消了包围,现在还不清楚他能走多远。Police pulled back in a tactical retreat as he left the house, rallying supporters into a jubilant display of force. It's not clear how far he will get.

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从她那只言片语的QQ签名中,他忽然发现她那里是想分手呢,分明是以退为进罢了!Based on her book-phrase in QQ signature, he digs out nowhere she wanted broke up?It is clearly now she used the skills of retreating in order to advance.

因此我经常会劝他们以退为进,不要斤斤计较,有时候其实吃亏就是占便宜,先哲曾经告诫我们“忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空”。So I often advise them to retreat, do not focus, and sometimes actually lose that advantage, sages have warned us to "tolerate temporary calm the broader picture."

在另一边饮茶区,设计师以退为进,采用留白的手法预留了一小部分空间,营造出界定室内外的小型景观。In the tea drinking area on the other side, designers reserved a small portion of space in blank to create a small landscape to separate the indoor and outdoor areas.

“防御性”策略是德意志帝国时期掌权的容克资产阶级为了继续维护自身利益而采取的一种以退为进的统治策略。Defence Policy is a kind of rule policy that make concessions in order to gain advantages adopted by Junker capital that wield power for going on maintaining themselves interest in German empire.

文章认为,“文化冲突论”是立足于种族主义立场的美国民族主义的宣示,其实质是以退为进的全球霸权主义。The article concludes that American "clash of cultures" is the manifestation of American nationalism based on racialism with its aggressive global hegemonism in the disguise of compromise in nature.