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原因是蜥蜴脑。The lizard brain.

石头砸死蜥蜴。Rock crushes lizard.

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它瞅准一只蜥蜴。It has spotted a lizard.

蜥蜴之足枭之翅。Lizards leg, and owlets wing.

鱼和蜥蜴向外涌动。Fishes and lizards swam forth.

蜥蜴之足枭之翅。Lizard's leg and owlet's wing.

蜥蜴之足枭之翅。Lizard's leg and owlet's wing.

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当然,是沙鱼蜥蜴喽。The sandfish lizard, of course.

现在,他要弄死蜥蜴人吗?Now will he kill off The Lizard?

是一只猫、一条蜥蜴还是一头熊?Is it a cat, a lizard, or a bear?

蜥蜴在青青草原。And the lizards below in the grass.

因为它的蜥蜴脑让它这么做。Because her lizard brain told herto.

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吞食恐龙的是像蜥蜴的蛇Dinosaur Devourer Was Lizard-like Snake

三角恐龙得名于“三角蜥蜴”。Triceratops means"three-horned lizard."

蜥蜴皮鼓是新几内亚学见的乐器。Lizar-skin drum is common in New Guinea.

看,有只蜥蜴躺在一个长圆木上。Look at the lizard, lying on a long log.

那么你可以买只宠物鬣蜥蜴给他。Well, you can buy him a pet iguana then.

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被蛇咬过的人,见了蜥蜴都怕。Whom a serpent has bitten fears a lizard.

这些蜥蜴能从眼睛里喷血。The lizards can eject blood from its eyes.

咱们玩石头剪刀布蜥蜴史伯克吧。I suggest rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock.