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这个互助会可接纳4名新会员。The fraternity may bid four new men.

比如,如果你在戒酒互助会呆着呢?What if you're in alcoholics anonymous?

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但在家庭互助会的帮助,我能做个打破旧模式的人。But with Al-Anon's support, I can be the one to break the pattern.

互助会的模式在贫困及工薪阶层中尤为普及。Mutual aid was particularly popular among the poor and the working class.

施密兹夫人总是把一些磁带借给互助会的盲人囚犯。Frau Schmitz always lent some tapes to the aid society for blind prisoners.

英国第三大建屋互助会准备放弃其互助性质,转变为银行。Britain's third largest building society abandoned its mutual status and became a bank.

但相比收入,种族却是互助会成员更为准确的识别因子。Ethnicity, however, was an even greater predictor of mutual-aid membership than income.

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而且那晚,学生还可以参加另一个由互助会举办的感恩节大餐。And that evening, the students can go to another Thanksgiving meal held by a service fraternity.

父母嗜酒青少年互助会就是一个专门针对父母酗酒的年轻人的组织。Alateen is a group specifically geared to young people living with adults who have drinking problems.

而且感恩节晚上,国际学生可以参加一个互助会举办的感恩节聚餐会。And that evening, the students can go to another Thanksgiving meal held by a serviceferternitefraternity.

北岩银行,是英国的一家建屋互助会,在2007年9月突然出现银行挤兑Northern Rock, which was a building society in the United Kingdom, had a sudden bank run in September 2007.

互助会的融资功能、储蓄功能及社会功能,是其得以生存的重要原因。The financing function, saving function, and social function are the main reasons for the existence of the ROSCA.

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我想大概在19世纪晚期,推动形成了"耶鲁互助会"的那场运动,同时也催生了信用合作社I think maybe the same movement that created the Yale Cooperative Society in the late nineteenth century also spurred credit unions.

不同的团体或组织,像互助会和女生联谊会也可能有自己的房子,为他们的成员提供住宿。Different group x groups and organizations , such as x fraternities and x, sororities might have their own houses where their members live.

而同时,“帮助离散者互助会”等移民权利组织认为,人口老龄化的欧洲将来会需要更多移民补充劳动力的不足。At the same time, immigrant rights groups like CIMADE argue that an aging Europe will need more immigrants in its labor force in the future.

另一个例子便是在大学互助会的人广泛饮酒,其原因包括入会仪式和契约机制两个方面。Another example is the extent to which membership in a college fraternity promotes drinking, both as a rite of passage and a bonding mechanism.

不过,除了技术辞令和戒酒互助会式的道德说教,他其实远比其他大多数采访对象更善于表达,更有吸引力。But get him off technicalities and AA-style moral lessons, and he is far more articulate and engaging than most interviewers would have you believe.

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与中国有一定联系的人对“我开”特别热心,我们希望来年进一步拓展我们的互助会网络。People with a connection to China have been especially enthusiastic about Wokai, and we're hoping to expand our chapter network in the coming years.

这样一来,你就变成了妇女联谊会或是互助会中最伟大的一个员。And in the process, you get to become a member of what I call the greatest fellowship of all, the sorority of compassion and the fraternity of service.

金融管理局严令银行、建筑互助会、保险公司和基金管理公司时时披露他们与雷曼交易的风险。The Financial Services Authority demanded precise updates from banks, building societies, insurance companies and fund management firms of their exposures to Lehman.