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在1966年,我开始研究偏头痛患者。In 1966, I started working with migraine patients.

预防偏头痛、痛经和关节炎痛。Prevent migraine, dysmenorrhea and arthritis pain.

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为何女性忍受偏头痛折磨的比例如此之大?Why do migraines disproportionately afflict women?

他有哪些偏头痛方面的确切症状?What exact symptoms did he have regarding a migraine?

偏头痛和丛集性头痛是血管型头痛。Migraine and cluster headaches are vascular headaches.

令人放心的是,其他5位医生正确诊断出了偏头痛。The others, reassuringly, correctly diagnosed migraine.

王奋发将绳子拽了拽,一使劲,犁头偏头痛般甩了甩。Wang Fenfa pulled the rope. With a sudden the plow shook.

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总数为33,956例的妇女有偏头痛的症状。A total of 33,956 of the women were treated for migraines.

性别歧视的费用已经围绕偏头痛徘徊了好几年了。Charges of sexism have hovered around migraines for years.

如果你曾经有过偏头痛的经历,就不需要我告诉你那有多痛苦。migraine headache, you don’t need me to tell you it hurts.

另一位专家认为可能是腹部偏头痛。Another specialist thought it might be abdominal migraines.

丛发性头痛经常被认为是偏头痛的一种。cluster headache is often considered to be a form of migraine

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对偏头痛患者来说,夏季是一年中的危险时段。For migraine sufferers, summer can be a perilous time of year.

这一脑部活动被认为是先兆偏头痛的成因。This brain event is considered to be the cause of migraine aura.

蓝能改善您的偏头痛,并将头痛的伤害降低。Blue can relate to your migraine, and keep your head from hurting.

偏头痛是由于异常的血流量进入大脑引起的。Migraine headaches are caused by abnormal blood flow to the brain.

太阳穴偏头痛及鼻塞,经痛均有效。Good for temporal migraine and nose congestion and menstrual cramp.

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偏头痛与卵圆孔未闭有什么联系?Q.What is the connection between migraine and patent foramen ovale?

偏头痛性梗死被认为是偏头痛的一种罕见并发症。Migrainous infarction is considered a rare complication of migraine.

统仁103可有助于偏头痛的治疗和预防偏头痛的发作。Tong Ren 103 is helpful in the treatment and prevention of Migraine.